I heard EOG is building a pad on FM3279 just South of 103.  Glad to have anothe O&G company in that area.

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Someone is building a new one on the west side of 96 about 2 miles north of 103.  They were putting rock on it today.
Wonder who is putting in that one?  Is this area where the activity is considered the Southwest extension jffree1? Lot of talk about the SW extension area. Drilling Info has an article today titled TX Haynesville Snapshot and talks about the SW extension.
I heard that the oil companies are only paying aroudn$35 to several oil lease owners.  Is there any truth to this?   :My family will be in several wells in San Augustine, including the Gobi, Clark, and Blue.  I have only around 3-4 acres in each well, but it seems like I should get more than $35. 
I wonder where these folks are leasing?  Any ideas?
I was thinking EOG was leasing up around the Chireno area.  I know they have done a lot of drilling up that way.  Wonder what brought them down here?  This pad is just a little Southwest of the Encana Blackstone A-17.  I didn't know EOG had done any leasing in this area.
They may have taken some USA leases.  That may be why they are interested in securing a pad site adjacent to NF.
EOG has had leases near the San Augustine/Sabine line (both sides) since 2008.  It is interesting to see that they are moving south and east with drilling.  I am guessing that the A-17 well is good.
Good point jffree1.  Sure would be nice to know the A-17 results.  Surely we are getting close. Would be nice to see EXCO come on down.

EOG will be drilling the well that's on the west side of Hwy 96, just a couple of miles north of FM 103.  The well name will be the Teal #1. 

Anything else you can tell us about EOG Mike?

Let's put it this way.  After working on the service company side of the oilfield for 30 years, I had never heard the term "Split Estate" before.  I always wondered why some of my customers would say to avoid the land owner because he's this or he is that.  I couldn't figure out why he could be anything other than appreciative to have a well on his property.  That was until the afternoon in December when I learned about split estate.  Over the next couple of hours I read horror story after horror story on the web.  I was as mad as a wet hen. 


I was confused as to why the well had to be put on my tiny piece of land.  I guess those who have the mineral rights would rather it have been on my propery.  Wait - I say "my property", but until the well is drilled, produced and abandoned, it's no longer my propery - I just pay the taxes on it each year.  At first, as I was more or less told to "lay back and pretend to enjoy it" (not by EOG or their representatives), I was hoping for a dry hole.  Then, I would get my land back sooner and those who agreed to put the well on my land, without talking to me about it, would not smile and honk every time they drove past my unusable property.  After a few weeks of pouting I realized that I am not the first and surely not the last to loose their land to those who own mineral rights.  Yes, you own the mineral rights and thats the way it is in Texas and 48 other states (or 55 other states - depending on who you voted for).  Louisiana has it right - in that the minerals revert to the land owner after 10 years of no production.  If you own property and plan to build a house for your family or your kids, and there is any possibility of drilling activity in your area, you better get the slab poured right away.  What a drag it would be to give the land to your kids for a house and then find out someone has already surveyed the property for a well. 


I will say that EOG was very fair and honorable in the damages they paid.  I would rather not have the well drilled on my land, but as the land owner, my vote did not count.  To the mineral owners, who stand to get a check or two in the mail, I know there are many people who will benefit from the additional taxes you are going to be paying on all the new stuff you are going to buy.


I'm not disgruntled, just disappointed. 


Mike, you were dead-on. Teal #1H is trying to be permitted.




Pad is just west of 96, drilling to the south.


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