2009 looks promising for the Haynesville Shale
Jim Roberts jroberts@ktbs.com
Created: February 12, 2009 05:28 PM
Modified: February 12, 2009 05:28 PM

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2009 looks to be a promising year for the Haynesville shale.

Encana, a Canadian natural gas company, have already drilled wells into the shale.

Jeff Wojahn, director of U.S. operations, says none of the wells are record breakers, but they are producing sizable amounts of natural gas.

"They're strong wells. We have had good results that have been equivalent to results published by the industry," said Wojahn.

Those results have encouraged Encana to plan on drilling five more wells over the next year, into the Haynesville shale and another formation called the Deep Bossier.

Chesapeake Energy, one of the early players in the shale, is also looking to expand in 2009. "We're currently operating 20 rigs a today. We expect to end the year with 35 rigs operational in this 3.5 million acre acrea," said Kevin McCotter, company spokesman.

Another big player, Petrohawk, also has plans to add at least a dozen more rigs.

Don Briggs, president of the Louisiana Oil and Gas Association, says there is almost 100 rigs working in north Louisiana.

Many of those rigs were moved from the Barnett shale in Fort Worth and the Marcellus shale in West Virginia and Pennsylvania.


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Hey Maw, how have you been doing lately. I'm you local journalist watch-dog..
I just call em like I see em.
If you call them like you see them, you may be sorry that you have those new glasses. The world looks better with diminished eye sight!
Oh Maw, I love the world, I don't let people get me down.
For every bad one there is 10 nice ones like you.
Personally I feel the Wall Street Journal is the best newspaper out there, but even it has a certain slant to it. I have to agree that the days of thourghly reasearched articles are probally over. It is a function of the 24 hour news cycle, and the fact anyone with a computer can post information to the internet. With so many outlets of information to chosse from, news sources are forced to be as opinianted and sensationalist as possible in order to keep as many eyes as possible on their product (an more importantly on their advitisers).

The best paper is yourself. Find who really look's for the truth and tell's it that way. Everybody has a slant and a agenda, it's only when they start lying about it
does it bother me.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say a little of both!
Oh D....why in the world are you getting all worked up over what other people may or may not think of you and yours?? Shame on you, big brother!!! I have half the mind to fly into Shreveport just to spank your butt.

Now you know, as Eleanor Roosevelt so eloquently put it: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Ain't NOTHING wrong with living in the swamps, sweetie. Heck, I was born in the muck (MUST be something worse than a swamp...!), grew up in a teenie weenie town with one bank, one post office, one redlight, one caution light, two supermarkets, two gas stations, one elementary school, a middle school and a mobile library. There were probably more horses, cows, possums, turtles, skunks, armadillos, snakes and gators than people in my town! We had to be bused 20 minutes to the nearest high school every morning. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that we got a Burger King (standing room only for about two months after it opened) about 15 or 16 years ago!

But you know what? Those were some of the best days of my life...catching crawfish and tadpoles as a kid, hanging out at Shiver's pond and the old graveyard, hunting for wild guava and blackberries out in the woods...and watching the rodeo on the weekends. I think it was Sarah who hated the snake picture...boy, I wonder how she would handle growing up in Florida where the snakes are sometimes larger than the largest of ivy league egos and gators are often over 10 feet long. NO JOKE!!

I can't really claim to be one of those 'hillbillies' you mentioned...only because there were absolutely no hills where I grew up! I am very proud to admit that I am a country girl from the boonies, though! Even so, I feel inferior to no one...and it is with that attitude that I graduated with my masters degree from the George Washington University School of Business (as department valedictorian). And I'm not stopping there, either. Just yesterday, I registered for online classes at Harvard. Heck...this country girl is just getting started.

Best to you ALWAYS!!
Shale Angel
Lil Sister, (Antsu)
You know I don't get worked up, I get other people worked up. Life couldn't be any better, neither Bush nor Obama have screwed me up yet (knock on wood). I do however fell bad for President Roosevelt. I wouldn't want to wake up and see Eleanor every morning. I did Antsu graduated from the School of Hard Knocks, I got a MS in BS, by the way my friend returned from Japan with a socky botttle for me, it's was empty so I need something to put in it.
So VERY GLAD to "see" you today! Gonna have to spank you anyway for trying to rile up KB!! And no...I'm not joking! I will be flying into Shreveport this Christmas...going to try my luck at digging diamonds in that park in Arkansas. Had a dream that showed me where a HUGE stone is. That sounded soooooooo darn country!! HAhahhaaaaa!!
D...by the way, I've got a big bottle of sake with your name on it (and it's still full). Good stuff...the president of the sake company is a good friend. I teach English to his son in my spare time. Send me an email regarding where you want me to send it to and you can consider it on the way!!

Been fishing lately?
It is always amazing how badly the media can botch a story.

"Those results have encouraged Encana to plan on drilling five more wells over the next year, into the Haynesville shale and another formation called the Deep Bossier."
EnCana plans to operate five rigs in 2009 that should allow them to drill 30 more wells. The Deep Bossier is in Texas and is not related to the Haynesville Shale play.

"Another big player, Petrohawk, also has plans to add at least a dozen more rigs."
Petrohawk has indicated they plan to have 12 rigs operating in the Haynesville Shale during 2009, not add a dozen more.
You have people who never studied anything technical in college trying to make sense of an industry that the have no experiance or understanding of.


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