2009 looks promising for the Haynesville Shale
Jim Roberts jroberts@ktbs.com
Created: February 12, 2009 05:28 PM
Modified: February 12, 2009 05:28 PM

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2009 looks to be a promising year for the Haynesville shale.

Encana, a Canadian natural gas company, have already drilled wells into the shale.

Jeff Wojahn, director of U.S. operations, says none of the wells are record breakers, but they are producing sizable amounts of natural gas.

"They're strong wells. We have had good results that have been equivalent to results published by the industry," said Wojahn.

Those results have encouraged Encana to plan on drilling five more wells over the next year, into the Haynesville shale and another formation called the Deep Bossier.

Chesapeake Energy, one of the early players in the shale, is also looking to expand in 2009. "We're currently operating 20 rigs a today. We expect to end the year with 35 rigs operational in this 3.5 million acre acrea," said Kevin McCotter, company spokesman.

Another big player, Petrohawk, also has plans to add at least a dozen more rigs.

Don Briggs, president of the Louisiana Oil and Gas Association, says there is almost 100 rigs working in north Louisiana.

Many of those rigs were moved from the Barnett shale in Fort Worth and the Marcellus shale in West Virginia and Pennsylvania.


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I say NO MORE MONEY until they do away with the union.
Buck: "one simple bill from congress requiring the major oil companies to use the billions they have in reserve".............. Surely that is tongue in cheek, right? Or you seriously saying you want the U.S. Government to REQUIRE a private enterprise to spend money rather than keep it in savings or giving it back to its shareholders?? This country is already on a beeline to the s**thole in terms of our movement away from capitalism and our Constitution. Forcing companies to spend money is just one more nail in the coffin.

Not that the Constitution is a big deal to the Obama-ites and their buddies. Or anyone else in our gov't for that matter!

And to Donna: yes layoff's in the oilpatch are just starting and it will get very very bloody.
Lots of things can be stimulated! Everytime our government puts out tax incentives for oil companies to spend more money and create more jobs, the bleeding heart lib's start crying that we are giving tax breaks to Big Oil. So, we start pulling back those tax breaks and Big Oil starts pulling back the spending. Taxing business is stupid...businesses don't pay taxes, they just collect them from consumers and pass them along. Plus, while collecting these taxes, they have little incentive to create jobs!

man, tax credits to shop...my wife would love that. Can we get some credits for going to lunch, too?? I'd like a tax credit for buying beer and going to the casino's! Why not? BoBama is giving everyone else little gifts and payoff's!! Unless, of course, you have a job, pay taxes and have been paying off your mortgage properly. If you are one of "those types", then no goodies for you...unless you are in one of those groups that supported and campaigned for him or if you are a member of ACORN.
I agree 100%. I thought the Bush, Paulson plan was a freaking diasater and I have made no bones about the fact that I thought GW's last two years in office was diaster.If It walk's like a duck ,if it talk's like a duck, it's a duck. I thought the automakers bailout was a diaster and I think the stimulus plan is the KING of diasters. I hope Bobby Jindal sticks to his guns and say's, we don't want your freaking stimulus. Give it to California, those tax and spend liberals are about to fall of the map.Hhhhhmmmm, I wonder why? Oh, well had fun fishing yesterday, they don't know anything about a stimulus plan just live crawfish.


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