Steve thanks for the update last week. If you have any pictures can you please post them. No update on Sonris since early December. Thanks in advance.

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Got a trend lease offer in Dec. 2011 8 miles south of the Exxon-Mobil well, in Morehouse Parish.  The company is Witmar from Denver.  They are also leasing in East and West Carroll Parishes.  Still negotiating with them.  Should I wait for the Exxon-Mobil well results, or am I too far south, for the Exxon well to be meaningful?  Know anything about who Witmar is fronting for?  Any feedback would be helpful.  Papa

What did they offer?
What was their offer?

No, the well is in Section 2 of 20N-8E.  You may be referring to a different well. The serial number is: 244072.

The Baron is thinking of the Sklar Exp. ExxonMobil 16 #1, S/N 242094, Cecil Creek Field, Union Parish.  It is the only completed, producing and announced Lower Smackover/Brown Dense well.


What kind of production numbers have been released on the Sklar Exp. well - oil, gas, etc?  How long has it been in production?



Chip Sanches

Chip, it's a vertical well so production is low.  Sklar reported Initial Production (IP) of 58 BOPD and 19.9 MCFD.

and its never even come close to making any of that.

Thanks Skip and The Baron.  I incorrectly assumed it was a "horizontal" well.  My understanding is that, at this time, there is still NOT a horizontal in the LSBD under "full" production or have I missed something?

no, to date no horz wells are producing.


There are three in test (SWn in atalnta, Cabot/JW in south union county, and EXco in Morehouse)


Skip, does this mean you have decided the AIX Garrett L&T vertical well in S36 T23N R7W (East Haynesville Feld; serial # 244046) is not a Brown Dense well after all? It is listed by Sonris Lite as a Lower Smackover well:

Sure you can include it as a producing LSBD well.  I assign little significance to any vertical LSBD well just as I did to the early Haynesville verticals.  Most were an attempt to HBP the depth by companies that had no  technical or financial ability to drill a horizontal well.  The reasons driving the AIX development are unclear at this time.  It would be interesting to see the leases for their sections however we will learn nothing of significance from their wells in regard to the viability of the LSBD prospect.  It is impossible to extrapolate a vertical IP to a horizontal IP with any accuracy with the little that is known of the characteristics of the formation in that specific area.



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