Steve thanks for the update last week. If you have any pictures can you please post them. No update on Sonris since early December. Thanks in advance.

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Can you please provide the link/reference to the announcement?  Thank you.

What "announcement" are you referring to, Byron?

Your reply on Monday, pasted below, where you indicate the Sklar well was an 'announced' Brown Dense well.

The Baron is thinking of the Sklar Exp. ExxonMobil 16 #1, S/N 242094, Cecil Creek Field, Union Parish.  It is the only completed, producing and announced Lower Smackover/Brown Dense well.

There is no reported production at this time from a LSBD horizontal well.

Byron, I should have said "reported".  There was no "announcement" as there was nothing worth announcing.

Sklar Exploration, ExxonMobil 16 #1, S/N 242094.

COMP 05/05/11: OIL, SMACKOVER, 58 BOPD, 19.9 MCFD, GOR 343/1, CK 48, GVTY 23.6, FP 47, CP 0, PERFS: 8410'-8453'.

even the IP was overly enthusiastic. Montly production has been quite bad.

New activity going on! 02-19-2012

Rumor is that the well was making 100% water? Does anybody know anything about this? That is what I heard on Thursday.   The same source said leases prices would collapse?  I hope this not true.  Can anybody share on the current leases and offers?

This well appears to be a straight hole only 7438 feet.  It is not a horizontal well on 1/25/2012?   If true it should not be a factor. 

It seems that the horizontal leg had not been started on 1/25/2012, as the depth of  7483 feet was reached on 12/5/2011. However, after 1/25/2012 they apparently drilled and cased the lateral, took the rig down, and fracked the well. Now the rig is back up. I don't know what this means.

Have they filed this additional drilling after 1/25/2012'with the State of LA?



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