Seems the industry and community have taken reasonable precautions to accomplish this task near a South Bossier school.

from the article ...

"Petrohawk Energy officials have had many meetings with school officials to discuss noise prevention and dust control measures and a schedule for trucks coming in and out of the site to avoid peak school hours. Dunlap also noted that the company's 44 Haynesville Shale wells to date had not had an incident."

Working together to "git 'er done."

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This is still being aired on the news this morning. Here's a link to Ch.12's (KSLA) story. The link for their video is the tiny icon to the right. Interesting ... the location reporter states that this rig/well site is about 450 ft. from the school's property. The anchor later asks for clarification about the law, to which the reporter gives the response that the setback by law is 500'.
I thought that the requirement was 500' from any structure, not the property line. Maybe someone will clarify this for us.
500' from a structure is correct. The news said it would be about 750' from the school.
BirdDawg - I just printed what was said on the newscast.
Maybe Ms. Dunlap will agree to enroll her children in the school. I am sure none of this activity is happening near any oil and gas industry officials homes or schools.
That is one of the dumbest things I have heard on this site.

Get real, many oil and gas proffesionals live in South Bossier, and their kids go to Bossier Schools.
There is more danger in the bus ride to school than being close to a well. Quit fearmongering.

I am one of the most pro-industry landowners that you can find, but I don't like the idea of how close this well is to the school. My child does not attend the school.

I just believe that if the DOC thought that it was prudent to keep wells 1000' feet from an interstate highway, that it would be prudent to keep wells at least that distance away from schools, hospitals and nursing homes.

On an Interstate Highway, the cars can "evacuate", whereas a School, Hospital, etc. can not EASILY do so. The article states that they have evacuation plans drawn up, but I can envision waiting on buses.

I may be missing something, there may be a reason that I don’t understand pertaining to the Interstate issue..

But, we all know that problems can and do arise. I would hate to think of my child trapped at the school should a problem occur. I was sure hoping that they could have drilled the well while school wasn't in session. (The lease called for both wells to be horizontal and within a year, so I can understand PetroHawk's issues as well.
I have friends that will benefit from that Unit, but I still cringe when I see how close the rig is to the school.
The 1000' setback is no longer in effect. It was ridiculas and LOC saw that.

The initial thought behind the setback was due to the blowout that shut down the I-10 bridge over the achafalaya basin.

The kids will be fine. The only guys that need to be worried are the ones on the derrik floor, and a blowout is the least of their worries.
Yes, Baron, driving in traffic is more of a real threat to safety.

I believe, however, given what happened in SW Caddo over the past few months (and yes, under another company's operations), that the concern is warranted.

I think Petrohawk did a fine job working with the BPSB on this. I believe the posted article even states that frac'ing (when the chances for a blow out seem greatest) will take place during the holidays and so the children won't be in the building.

Still have to stay on our toes, though, as this situation involves concentrated numbers of children. And perhaps the BPSB and Petrohawk could have done a bit better with parental involvement in this matter. The one woman interviewed alleges that parents had not been notified of this before now.

thanks :0)
There have been oil wells within a few feet of Oil City Elementary and Herndon Magnet for DECADES. There have been no accidents with children. In addition, the heavy oil field equipment trucks lumber by these schools just a few feet from their front doors- no accidents with children have happened in many decades. When wells are proposed, there are public hearings on them so anyone with concerns can come and voice their opinion before a drilling site is approved



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