First XTO (ExxonMobil) Haynesville Units in Natchitoches Parish (8/4/10)

XTO (ExxonMobil) joins other operators in Natchitoches Parish by proposing five (5) new Haynesville Units in the San Miguel Creek Field. This is an additional positive sign for the southern potion of the Haynesville/Bossier Shale play. We will just have to see long before ExxonMobil permits and drills a well.

S4-T9N-R10W, HA RA SUR Unit, XTO, San Miguel Creek Field, Natchitoches Parish
S15-T10N-R10W, HA RA SUN Unit, XTO, San Miguel Creek Field, Natchitoches Parish
S22-T10N-R10W, HA RA SUO Unit, XTO, San Miguel Creek Field, Natchitoches Parish
S28-T10N-R10W, HA RA SUQ Unit, XTO, San Miguel Creek Field, Natchitoches Parish
S29-T10N-R10W, HA RA SUP Unit, XTO, San Miguel Creek Field, Natchitoches Parish

Views: 7856

Replies to This Discussion

Skip, the "HA" is for Haynesville Zone and does not specifically stand for the Haynesville Shale formation.  The Haynesville Units are zonal units rather than formation units.  That is the reason the unit applications define a depth interval rather than a specific formation.  Remember the Haynesville Zone can also include the Bossier Shale and other formations above and below the two formations.


By the way, the "HAY" designation has been around a long time. 

Yes, it has.  However I have noticed that the LOC is now using HAY for  Haynesville Sand wells and HA for Haynesville Shale wells.  As in the example I posted.
Skip, that is related to the zonal unit rather than the specific formation.  Hence the reason you cannot distinguish between Haynesville Shale and Bossier Shale wells.
Pamela, the well should have an initial rate in the 10 to 15 MMcfd range assuming XTO can match the performance obtained by other operators in this part of the play.
Does anyone know how long it taks for SONRIS Lite Main Menu website to update the well reports from the previous month. Most updates have a date for the 15th of the month but have not been updated as of yesterday evening 8-17-11? Thanks
Pamela, updates on Sonris are unpredictable due to the heavy workload.
Les, is there an average time frame from the time that a well has been permitted to the time it actually starts to sell gas. The Birdwell Section 22H 001 was permitted on 5/25/11 and shows a depth as of 7/15/11 at 10,445 ft and on 6/17/11 at 1,817 ft. This is a big difference for one month. I know casing, fracking and well head still needs to take place but I'm just looking for an average estimte on when this well could probably show promise of gas sells. Thanks

Pamela, the time between initial well permit to first gas sales is highly variable (3 months to 2+ years).  Most well permits are valid for 180 days and may expire and be re-permitted before the well actually spuds.  Drilling time is typically 30 - 60 days.  After a well is drilled it can be 1 to 6+ months before the operator moves a fracture stimulation crew on location to complete the well.  Once a well is frac'ed it is generally placed on production but this can be delayed waiting on downstream infrastructure such as pipelines and gas treating facilities.


That well was spudded on 6/12/11 and the drilling may already be completed.  So the main variable is how long it will take for XTO to move a frac crew on location assuming all downstream pipelines etc are already in place.  

Les, what does spudded mean, and do you know of any wells that XTO have in the area that are producing wells? Thanks
Pamela, spudded means the rig began drilling the well.  I do not believe XTO has any wells producing in the area. 

Les, the SONRIS Main Menu updated the Birpdwell H1 well. How do I interpret the info that follows for the last three updates on the well?:

Thanks for all of your help

Report Date    Well Status   Depth       Details

8/19/11           05                14340     Plug 11,903'; Drilling @ 12,918'

8/05/2011       05                14340     Set 7" to 12,000' W/1625 SX;

                                                            Drilling; Logged; Cemented

                                                            14,340-11,930' W/ 320 SX

7/15/2011       05                10445     Set 9 5/8 to 7283' W  1380 SX; 




The driller had both the 9 & 5/8" casing and the 7" casing.  Drilled ahead to to 14340 ft.  After logging the well, ~ 2400 ft of the lower part of the well was plugged and the driller sidetracked the well.  This could have been required if the rig encountered some drilling problems.



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