The deal is done! The dysfunctional relationship between Honda (HMC) and Fuelmaker is finally over. Fuel Systems Solutions (FSYS) has purchased Fuelmaker IP including the Phill home garage natural gas refueling system. Here is the press release:
And a very interesting article by Edwin Black:
My advice for FSYS is very simple: contact Toyota Motor (TM) and present a business plan for packaging the Phill together with the concept car
Toyota presented at last year’s LA auto show.As I have written many times, this electric/nat gas hybrid Camry (think a Prius powered by US produced natural gas as opposed to gasoline from foreign oil) is the single best transportation solution to begin America’s effort to reduce foreign oil imports.
Assuming an average American drives 50 miles a day, each packaged sale of a Phill and this Camry hybrid would reduce gasoline consumption by approximately 800 gallons per year. Sell 500,000 of these units, and America reduces its gasoline consumption by over 1,000,000 gallons per day! From an environmental standpoint, this would be a savings of 3,800,000 lbs of CO2 every day.
The combination of a strategic alliance between FSYS and Toyota (TM) would immediately begin addressing the economic, environmental, and national security issues the US is facing from its over dependence on foreign oil. A marketing and advertising campaign centered on these problems would be a win-win not only for the business model, but in educating Americans on the issue so as to reinforce the economic and environment gains the country can make along the way.
At the same time, FSYS should engage with natural gas utility providers across the US in strategic partnerships allowing the utilities to sell, install, and service the Phill. This would help overcome any local regulatory or code restrictions and pave the way for the utility companies to solve these issues on a local or state-by-state basis.
If FSYS and Toyota would mass produce these products, and if the utility companies would line up to install the Phill, there is no doubt in my mind that the natural gas producers such as COP, CHK, BP and others will provide the natural gas to power these vehicles for decades to come. So, let’s get it done now!
FSYS is currently trading at $16.86, down $0.85 today, but up from $15.50 the day the deal was announced. Toyota is currently trading at $80.13, down $3.41 for the day and within its $106-$55 52-week band.
Disclosures: The author owns COP and is seriously considering FSYS on any pullback. The author would buy Toyota (TM) in a New York second if it would put the Camry electric/CNG hybrid into production. He would also be first in line to purchase a Phill/Hybrid package.

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Packaged selling.....what a novel concept. When are the car companies and the government going to get with it?
Okay, Toyota can get back in the game. And that may be good in terms of getting the ear of whoever needs to hear it as it seems Toyota had someone's ear once before.

Ha, ha, ha ... just realized to the right of this post is the ad for Ford's hybrid. Sorry, I find irony humorous.

Now, we still need commercial refueling stations ... my neighborhood & those surrounding me were built by the developer as all electric.

Okay, at least Chu has but the brakes on hydrogen cell and is looking around. That's hopeful.

Thanks for the update & best - sesport :0)



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