Attached is the latest on prices received by landowners in the Haynesville Shale.  It's been a while since I posted, and I will continue to collect data and try to update the survey every 3 - 6 months.  Thanks to all of you who submit pricing information to me.

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Thanks Henry, appreciate the information very much. Wish I could supply some data but after 7 months my leasor and the unit operator (CHK) can not settle on how much each mineral owner gets, so we hear.


Again...Thank you.

Still waiting on CHK pony express...  Expect to see it around, Oh, the last day of February 2012, or so, for 4th Quarter 2011 well reports (Oct, Nov, Dec, 2011).

Still waiting on payments, too.  It's funny how CHK's website, under Owner Relations, Owner FAQs, Chesapeake Energy clearly states: "Chesapeake remits revenue to you once your balance exceeds $100..."

That seems pretty clear to me.  But not so clear to CHK's Revenue Inquiry Department Staff and their Account Payouts Accounting Coordinators...   They have many different explanations for why I have not received the payout/revenues CHK owes to me since Oct. 2011.   Maybe the LA State AG's office can help them figure out what the "problem" is or why they are withholding payments of more than $100 to me (and two other CHK UMOs in same CHK well).

One step closer, Henry...

A GHS Thanks Again to you.

DrWAVeSport Cd1 1/11/2011

And a shout out to "Jay" and today's Google Doodle to All geologists.

Thanks to GHS's "ShaleGeo" for all the hard work and help you have shared with us.  An Immeasurable Depth and Wealth of Information!   




Two months ago, we were getting 8.50 Mcf on a Forest well in Panola Co.  Yesterdays statement had 5.95 Mcf gas.  Assume they had a long term contract when prices were higher.

To anyone,


XTO started pulling gas from my associated well in March last year (2011).  Still no payment, not even a customer number generated for me yet.  Any suggestions?



1) Are you sure you own minerals?


2) Send a demand letter.

Yes I have the rights.

Can you give me an example of a demand letter? My method of written correspondence is effective, just not always the best way.


If the well is located in Texas, here is a suggested  demand letter. If in Louisiana, you will need to read the LA statute to see how many days after production they require the company to pay and if interest is applicable.

RE: Add name of well

Please provide me with a Division Order reflecting Mike Langford's interest in the said unit (describe above) and put Mike Langford's interest in line for payment within thirty days of receipt of this letter for all royalties due and owing Mike Langford, from production of the                        well and any other well producing on this unit. Said                                well has been in production since                                  . Any payments still owing after thirty days of your receipt of this letter and owing for more than ninety days will be subject to payment of interest as provided for by Texas statute.

Sign your name and mail certified mail, return receipt requested.


Texas Gal... You are such a sweetheart!  Thanks.


nice letter Texas Gal.  Good letters really help you in the long run.  This one for a division order is excellent.


However, I must point out that most people feel like they are long overdue getting their D.O.  I did.  However, then i found out they went all the way back to 1842 when the land was first recorded.  That's a lot of records to search through.


Good luck, all you have to do is modify TG's basic letter and you are set

Just heard...guess there not going to be XL pipeline.  Today WH says they not going to have it.


Beg to differ with WH...  There will be XL pipeline.

WH wants more time (more than the 60-day time limit imposed by Congress for a mandated decision)...and "alternate" route through Nebraska...  And, won't decide before Nov. Elections...  WH pushed it off on U.S. State Dept.   LOL

Again...There will be XL Pipeline extension...  Canadians will ship it to China if U.S. doesn't get its act together.  Again...There will be XL Pipeline extension...


DrWAVeSport Cd1  1/18/2012



Wil not waste my time responding to your post, this IS NOT a political expression site.  Reading your post tells me you know NOTHING about the Oil and Gas Business.




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