Nabors Drilling #X17 reported Spud Date 8/25, 5 days Drilling Ahead @ 797', 8/29.

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The weekly rig report arrives on Friday evenings.  I usually update drilling status on the wells we follow on Saturdays.

thank you!  I can follow the report here , right?

That is correct.

Nabors Drilling #X17 reported 54 days Drilling Ahead @ 18,938', 10/17.  Since the reported depth has not changed since last Friday it is likely that the well has reached Total Depth and the rig has been working to set the final casing string.  This may be the last report from the rig.


How long now before they will report actual production?


That's too far in the future to guess at currently, William.  After the rig ceases to report drilling operations the well will be WOC (Waiting On Completion).  Then when a completion crew (frac) gets to it that operation will take approximately 10 days to 2 weeks depending on length of lateral, number of stimulation stages and whether everything goes as planned.  A well drilled to TD (Total Depth) can sit idle for weeks waiting on a frac crew.

Hope all goes well!

Thank you, Skip, for the information on this well.  From where I live, I can hear it drilling away.  Once they hit TD, could you explain to me what a "frac crew" is and if this is  a good sign of it being a "productive" well?  Many thanks, Judy Smith

All the TMS wells are fraced.  They could not produce if they were not.  The shale is too tight.  Here is a video that shows the process in general.  TMS wells are a little different as to depth and lateral length and the process is very similar whether the well is drilled for oil or gas.

Wow, very interesting video and complex!  When the fracking is complete, does this mean that it will be a productive well? I really appreciate you taking the time to tell me all this.  Very fascinating stuff!  Many thanks, Judy Smith

Sometime after the well is fraced it will be flowed.  Sometime after that there will be an announcement of the production.

Thanks, Skip.  Would you be able to let me know the announcement of the production?    Sorry for all the questions, but I find this whole thing very interesting!  Many thanks, Judy Smith



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