Just wanted to let the other woman (Gohaynesvilleshale.com) know how much I love you and wanted to wish you a happy 37th , oooops, birthday. You are what makes me tick and are a huge reason why I am, who I am, and why.................. That was supposed to be a complement but could be construed in other ways as well I guess.
For those of you that havent had the pleasure of meeting my better half, the hottie wife, I have decided against better judgment, to post a pic or two so you can see for yourselves just how lucky , Blessed , I really am.

The most current pic I have. I got it from the post office. Its her mug shot from when she was arrested for attempted shoplifting at "Everythings a Dollar". HA!HA!HA!
I am going to really pay for this one so I hope everyone got a big kick out of it!

I better not end with that one , Huh ?

My two favorite dago's

I Love You Sweetie,
Happy Birthday!

P.S. Happy belated Birthday to me dear friend Earlene! She turned 37 as well, I believe, on the 4th.

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Happy Birthday!!!!!

(sorry little late)
Just wanted to let everyone know that I appreciate the notes and well wishes that you sent my girl. She was a bit overwhelmed with the attention but things are settling down a tad bit.
I even announced in church this morning that "my wife had a birthday this week and she turned 30 something". I had learned my lesson! I wasnt saying how old she was! You know, there were women in church that thought that was the ugliest, God awful thing in the world. I said, "well you shoulda seen how peeps acted when I said she was 37, the other day on-line !" Needless to say that wasnt well received either! HA!HA!HA!HA!

While I will probably never pursue a job in politics, I feel I am more than qualified now! I fully understand the power of shamelessly blatant, bribery! It is amazing what kinda, 9 line bind, a fella can get outta' if he buys the Mrs' a car. (LOL)

P.S. The author of this note believes that bribery should only be handled by professionals (our elected officials) and should not be attempted by rookies or even tried at home while under the direct supervision of a professional.


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