Has the state made a decision on the actual placement of the river bottom?

We have minerals in south bossier/caddo. The property falls in three sections, maybe 4 depending on the river location. We have seen three or four different layouts of where the state's claim will be. Because of this we still don't have division orders for any of our leases and one of the sections is in pay suspension. Its coming up on three years since production started in these sections so the payments in suspension are substatial. Does anyone else with river frontage have division orders? Does anyone have any info on what is happening with the river locatin?

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I have been following this for a few similarly situated groups and  It has been a long story (more than can be explained in a paragraph or two) on the State's claim and then attempts to "study" the river and amend their claims.  I'm not sure of all the issues in your particular area, but on the issue of the effect of pooling from the Lock and Dam system, the State has made it clear that they understand their initial claims were off (wide) in many areas and did not account for the effect of pooling and inundation caused by the lock and dam system which created an artificial low water line.  However they cannot seem to agree on a proper low water mark line pre-inundation.  Some operators have attempted to get out in front on the issue (HK) and at least have made attempts at drawing  out  different boundaries in order to place a portion in conflict.

I assume this is all leading into to numerous concursus proceedings if the State does not address and amend their claims.

Do you know if the state has settled on the location in any sections bordering the river? We are very near the lock and dam.


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