Well is listed as a shut in producer. What does this mean?

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Production reported from Hatch GU #1H:

Nov. -     6,104 mcf

Dec. - 203,865 mcf

Jan.  - 151,480 mcf

Do you have a link to the site with this info? Have you received any division orders?

I'm not in the unit.  Any link I posted would be dead in about 30 minutes so how about a copy of the production report?


w got our roalty check today it was not as good as we thought it would be but the amount was better thann  nouthing

  4-9 2012 i was told by production we would be reciveing devision orders by the 20th of the month and sign them the same day if possibble  and senfd them back we then get our roalty payments there shortly after that only if you payments were  100.  from hitman

We received an email yesterday saying division orders were due to mail later this week. Crossing my fingers.

sounds great thanks for the info  we will keep our fingers crossed it is abought time we heard something possitive

sounds great  time we heard some good news lets all keep our fingers crossed

did any body else  get there division orders we got ours yesterday 05-10-2012 and we signed them today and mailed them  back we got a attorney to look at the paperwork and advise us what to do any any body needs any info let me know

We got ours today. Although we are unsure what the percentage means in terms of acreage.

HOW ARE YOU RELATED TO MR HATCH THAT LIVED AT LILLY LAKE BACK SEVERAL YEARS  AGO  HE WAS REALLY GOOD FRIENDS WITH MY DAD  HIS NAME WAS L.L. HIGGINS. WAS HIS NAME GLEN I CANT REMEMBER T BEEN TO MANY YEARS SINCE THEN. WE HAVE A PLace still in san augustinr on nhwy 21 east just past fairway farms on the left abought 2 miles east of fairway farms our propity backsn up to 3153 we sold 110.acres but still have 63 but still own mineral rights on 1/2 mineral rights to this property if i hear any thing i will let you know. did you sign them and send them back asap it will help with the payme3nts they have to be back before the 20th of this month

We did sign and return them. Glen Hatch is my grandfather's brother. My grandfather is Gale Hatch. He lived in San Augustine on a farm.


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