With the price of natural gas as low as it is , have anyone received a decent royalty check recently ?

We have not received our first check yet will it be for the first 3 months of production ? and how is the royalties calculated ?

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Lyelv, how long did it take Chesapeake to make a correction to your payment decimal after you notified them?
Linda, It took about 2 weeks. But here is the deal. They miscalc'd the payment decimal to our favor. Another words they were paying too much. We only discovered this when we were having a petroleum engineer give us an appraisal on the land for estate tax purposes. So to correct the overpayment, they cut off our royalties from this section. It has been two months of no royalty checks. I estimate one more month and then we should start getting the payments again.
Will all of you please contribute to my request for information on the main board? My discussion is called "What price are you getting for your gas?" I am trying to find out if there are price discrepancies between operators for the gross gas prices they are getting for their landowners. Initial results, based on VERY FEW responses, say Chesapeake is selling their landowners' gas for much less than what the other operators are selling it for. But I need more data. Please post your numbers in my discussion, or "friend me" and send them privately. Thanks.
My folks received their first check for $30,000 on 40 acres. ( 3 mo of production but only 3/16th in lease signed in 2008 )
If I see the check, I will give you the info Henry.
Please, please get me that info. I need as much data as I can get. It will take time and lots of help from members of GHS. We need to ensure all operators are acting properly.


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