The attached shows a summary of the most active operators in the play and the parishes/counties with the most current drilling activity.

Details regarding actual current rig locations and associated well information can be found at the following discussion group.

See the file in the post below.

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This is the file.
les, thanks for this snap shot. it really helps to see where the activity is going on. in the "change" column
what do the parenthesis indicate? add a rig or take away a rig?
KJ, the parenthesis are for a negative number so a reduction in rig count.
Les and King John
We need to be working for the forthcoming elections and encouraging people to vote or we could think the price of gas now was the good ole' days!!! As you know, I am certainly waiting for it to go up to at least six. AT THE RATE WE ARE GOING, PEOPLE MAY NEED THE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE NUMBERS WE TAUGHT AS THE WHOLE THING SEEMS TO BECOMING A minus. All will be ( ) AND -. ISN'T IT GETTING SERIOUS???? I AM STILL NOT "CHICKEN LITTLE" AS I HAVE SOME HOPE OF STOPPING IT BEFORE IT CONTINUES.
My Mineral rights location is: 16 North, Range 10 West Sections 17, 18 & 20 Bossier Parish. Seems to be where a lot of Bossier Parish drilling is going on. Am I correct or way off the mark? Petrohawk's landman signed us up late June.
Cliff, you are in a great part of the Haynesville Shale play and should eventually have producing wells in all your sections.
Lee thanks for the reply, Thought so but I am finding it hard to find maps detailed with the sections.
Cliff, you may want to use the interactive mapping function (GIS Access) within Sonris.
Les, thanks again. Ubuntu, the Operating system on the computer I use most of the time does not work well with this sight. I'll dust off the other computer. Thanks again.

I'm curious. Does the loss of rigs mean they are not currently drilling? If five rigs complete operations and tear down to move to another pad, are they off the list until they spud in again? I wouldn't think they got stacked in the yard.
Frank, as you say the rigs may just be in transit to another Haynesville/Bossier Shale well or they may have moved to another play such as the Eagle Ford Shale. We will see what happens with the rig count over the next 2-3 weeks to get a better idea of the trend.
dose any know if any thing is happing around section 30-17n-10w in weberst parish



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