See two permits below from today for Northern Sabine County

Submitted 08/04/2009 683812 403-30449 RANGE PRODUCTION COMPANY (691703) HORTON FEDERAL 1H 06 SABINE Horizontal New Drill - 16000 Drilling Permit
J. Mcadams Survey A-159
Submitted 08/04/2009 683813 RANGE PRODUCTION COMPANY (691703) HORTON FEDERAL 2H 06 SABINE Horizontal New Drill - 16000 Mapping
W.B. Frazier Survey A-100

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The Range wells are located on 2 different federal (BLM) leases issued out of the New Mexico BLM office in Santa Fe. one well is on a 1264.73 acres BLM lease and the 10 year 87.5% NRI lease was issued 12/1/2000 and expires 11/31/2010. the 2nd well is on a 1686.42 acre federal lease with the same expiration date. Range owns 100 record title and Operating Rights on both leases.
On the Forest Service map the well listed as Horton Federal #2 is listed on the Railroad Commission as Frazier Federal. The API number for the well will be 403-30450 and it was approved on 8-6-2009.
Frazier Federal #1: I think Range originally tried to permit them as Horton #1& #2 and there was an old permit for Horton #2 so they changed that one to Frazier #1 (something like that... working from memory here). Really confusing but you have to read the problem letters to figure out what happened. I don't have a clue why the Forest Service still calls them Horton 1&2.
Be patient. Petrohawk permitted a well across the lake, just on the west side of Many, LA. The GH board has posters saying the offers are getting interesting. As usual, if the PH well is a good one, everyone is happy. If it's not, well I guess we needed to know that too.
Rick. what abstract and survey?
Rick, when you asked where the permitted Range wells to 16000 feet were located did you ever find out that one of them, the Frazier Federal 1H, is less than 1/4 mile from the John Craughan Survey A-79?
That area is also close to where the proposed pipeline will be. I think you will hear something soon.
You will get more bang for your buck if you let them come to you Rick, just a matter of time.
I agree with that. Rick is a landman too, that's what I do not get. Also, he should have already been made the lame offers by now most likley. Maybe time to go by the courthouse and make sure his contact info is listed correctly. Why are we telling a landman this?
get on

(only pay for what you buy--keep track of who leasing in survey by your land)



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