Cat equipment arrived yesterday in Pennington to start road for pad. 3.5 inches of rain last night halted this action. Hopeful for the end of the week. Still looking for drilling permit to be posted.

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Please excuse my ignorance but what exactly does it mean when an operator applies to "Redrill"?  OSLIN EXPLORATION COMPANY (627876)  applied in 1990 to "New Drill" the HOLMES well 1 mile NW of Friday which is listed as a "Dry Hole".  On 5/3/2011 OGP TRINITY, LLC (619345)  was approved for a Redrill at this site.  "Wildcat 2400' Oil or Gas well 98.13 acres".  Can anyone give any information on this well or this activity?

I just reread my above post and discovered an error.  In the above I meant "Reenter" not "Redrill".

(What was I drinking...... I mean what was I thinking?)


 Have you checked the completion reports/production reports etc on the TRRC ? you might find something on it or ask the pumper/landowner/mineral owner

  Those shallow wells usually take multiple wells to make a paycheck and make a lot of water

Vernon -

That well has very little on it - RCT online maps show it as a dry hole, drilled in about 7 days originally.  They'll probably spend less than that re-entering it.  Goal is likely to reenter (cheaply), perf it, and flow some gas to hold the lease.  Its most likely a shallow Carrizo/wilcox type well, which has been productive for certain areas of the county.  There is some woodbine stuff just south of there, at 9000 feet, so I don't think this is directly related.  

The woodbine immediately to the south was plugged in 1987 timeframe - it would be the prize if either one of those could be successfully reentered or a log obtained from those wells. Potential  from the Holmes JT ET UX vertical in the woodbine, 23 bbls wasn't huge, but it looked like the zones that were stimulated were roughly 5 feet vertical each.  It flowed under pressure, at lease initially.  

Thank you for the info and insight.  I was curious as this well is about a mile or so NE of my place.  I may attempt to locate it on my next trip up there.  Thanks again.

Saw some mud pumps/tanks moving down 287 today south out of crockett.   any chance they stopped somewhere north of Groveton?


Also, had a TDC contact tell me he saw a flare at the RC Adams.  Anyone laid eyes on that?


 What is the latest and greatest news on your side of the county ? have any of the "Beatles Group" showed up to perform for us ?

thought I saw a few roadies today, but they turned down 7 and not 287

FWIW - I noticed on the TRRC that Abbey Road 2H is on a Statewide Rule 37 hold.  Protest deadline is July 2.  I am not experienced enough to know if this is a problem or not.

These documents might help clarify what is going on with the Statewide Rule 37 hold:

Sorry, site would not let me upload the files.  :-)



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