Horizontal well now proposed for state line area in Claiborne Parish

As reported this week by The Haynesville News and reported independently by North LA at another discussion group on GHS, T. S. Dudley Land Co is proposing a 1045-acre drillimg and production unit consisting of Sections 6 and 7 of T23N R5W of Claiborne Parish.


A legal notice in The Haynesville News says the well will have a likely measured depth of greater than 17,000 feet so it is almost certainly a horizontal well and the shape of the unit indicates the horizontal leg will be in a north-south direction, as seems to be usual for such wells. The hearing before the LA Department of Natural Resources is scheduled for August 9.

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About 12 miles due west.
any activity on Township 23 North Range 4 west.  seems very close to some drilling going on.  anybody have any info.


Southwestern Energy (SWN) has started drilling the well near Atlanta, AR, and, as noted above, expects to drill one in Sections 6 and 7 of T23N R6W of Claiborne Parish later this year; this well would be about 6 miles west of T23N R4W. There seems to be no recent news about the proposed J-W Operating Co. well in Section 32 T19S R17W of Union Co., AR; this well would be about 1 mile north and 3 miles west of T23N R4W of Claiborne Parish. So, yes, drilling is getting close and I would expect all of Township 23N Range 4W to be well within SWN's area of interest.


thanks, keep me posted I appreciate the reply.

The LA Commissioner of Conservation James Welsh, on Sept 9, 2011, approved the above drilling and production unit but changed the name of the operator to Southwestern Energy Production Co., as T. S. Dudley was just a middleman. Thanks to Skip Peel  for providing this info and to Les B. for the following document link:

627-C.pdf 627-C.pdf,

The above Claiborne Lick Creek well finally received a permit from the LA  Department of Conservation on Sept. 27, 2011. Well serial number is 243882; projected true vertical depth is 11000 feet and projected total measured depth is listed as 20200 feet. The surface hole location is 400 feet from the south line and 1028 feet from the east line of section 7 T23N R5W, and the probable bottom hole location is 330 feet from north line and 1240 feet from east line of section 6 T23N R5W. More info can be found at the state database at:



Also see the Go Haynesville Shale  Lower Smackover/Brown Dense discussion group.


I understand that preparation of the location for this well is well along and includes a gargantuan frac pit for holding water for fracturing.

Thanks for the info Tony. That is indeed huge for the frac pit.  Do you think they will wait for final results from the Atlanta well before spudding the Lick Creek well, or will move the rig in and start drilling as soon as final depth is reached in the Atlanta well?

Latest news on the Lick Creek well from an SEC filing by SWN on Oct 28, 2011:

"We will spud our second well located in Claiborne Parish, Louisiana, as soon as the rig moves off of the Roberson [Atlanta, AR] well. This well has a planned total vertical depth of approximately 10,700 feet and a planned 7,900-foot horizontal lateral." Also, in their 3rd Quarter Earnings Teleconference SWN says they expect to start drilling the Lick Creek well in November. A replay of their teleconference is available at their website:


A full transcript of the teleconference is now available here:


Last I heard, the Lick Creek well (Garrett 7-23-5 H) was still waiting for the rig from the Atlanta well, and still filling the frac pit.

AIX has permitted a total of 4 wells southwest of the Lick Creek well:

Hardin #1 (serial #243758) in S28 T23N R7W, waiting on completion at 10728' as of 10/19/2011 (looks as if this will be an attempt at an Upper Smackover completion)

Hardin #2 (serial #243912) in S28 T23N R7W, 5 1/2 " casing set to 12040' as of 11/02/2011 (probably a BD test)

Garrett L&T #1 (serial #244046) in S36 T23N R7W, permitted to 14000' 11/01/2011

Camp et al. #1 (serial #244071) in S35 T23N R7W, permitted to 12500' 11/07/2011

Thanks Tony. My contact said he flew over the Garrett site yesterday and didn't see anything, so it must have been moved in today. That's also good news that Cabot is coring. I hope thy don't have as much trouble with their lateral as SWN and Devon seem to have had.


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