How do I find info on a well that probably owes me back royalties

A well my grandfather used to get royalties from is still producing, how do I find out if I'm owed royalties through heirship. 

The history of this is that my grandfather used to get royalties from a well near my house but the checks simply quit coming but 30 something years later the tanker trucks are still coming by several times a week.  So how do I find out if someone needs to pay up?



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If the well is in Louisiana, go to   On the left hand side, click on "Database Access."  Under that, click on "Sonris Lite."  Under "Well Information," click on "Wells by Section, Township, and Range."  Enter the S-T-R for your well.  Make sure you enter the Township and Range with not just the number (e.g., "14") but the direction also (e.g., "14N").


When the info comes up, scroll down to the part called "Lease/Unit/Well Production" and you should see production for every month since the well was drilled.


If you're in Texas, someone else can tell you what to do.

Thank you.  This is the most help I've gotten so far.  I don't know what the Township Section and Range are for that well.  I only know what they are for my property based on the oil and gas lease contract I have.  The well I'm refering to is a few acres straight back from my property but I could probably hit it with a slingshot from my fence line and I was back there a few days ago and not only can you smell the gasy stink in the air you can hear it hissing through the pipes when you're near them.  So that plus the fact that trucks still go back there, I have to assume money is being made.


Is there an aerial map or something like it that I might be able to find this well on.  Or how might I get the well number for it.


Once again thank you very much


If the land of interest is only a few acres away, it is probably in the same S-T-R.  But, to be sure, you might try this site.  It's very good for figuring out which S-T-R a piece of land is in.  Make sure the box on the right-hand side called PLSS is checked -- that shows you S-T-Rs.


use the gis map on SOnris, you can overlay the s-t-r and wells
Call Ben Elmore, an oil and gas attorney in Houston.  We had 160 acres leased in La Salle county 9 months ago.  We did not have negotiation rights so we did not know about it.  Found out by accident.  The oil company "forgot" to pay us for the bonus money.  We called around to get info for 5 months with no results.  I got on this forum, Ben offered to help on a contingency basis.  Within 2 weeks we had a check for $132,000 and lease contracts.   My family is a shining example why this business should never be conducted without an oil and gas attorney.  Call the man.
This is the most helpful thread so far!!



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