HyperLinks in Blog - Helps Save Us Time - And your link is more likely to be read

I know that for many of you, this is the first time you have have participated in a social netowrk. For some of you, this is the first time you have used the web for anything else except email. I hope that if you fit into either of these categories, you'll be able to become proficient at navigating the site.

I want to recommend that you hyperlink your links when you type a blog rather than simply pasting them in the textbox (the place where you type).

So instead of this http://www.gohaynesvilleshale.com/group/offtopic/forum/topics/livin... - you will be able to do THIS. This helps save time for the reader. Rather than copying and pasting into the web browser (the place where you typed in the site), the reader only has to click on the link.

To do this -

1. You use the link button (looks like a link in a chain) immediately above the comment window, in the tool ruler, the 5th link moving right.
2. Click on that. A window will pop up.
3. Paste your link in the box and hit ok. This will place code in the text box (the area you type a post in).
4. At the very end of the code you will see the following - > . Type what you what the hyperink named, ie "This." Then when you publish the story it will come up like this THIS.

It is only necessary to do this on a blog - in the discussions, simply pasting the link makes it hyperlink, able to click on.

When pasting a link in a discussion I do recommend pasting a portion of the story that hits on its key theme.

Also please categorize your discussions.

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Next up, figuring out the Shale-brary. I couldn't get Elwood past step 2. :-P At least he's "in the building." lol


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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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