Any new "happenings"? New drilling news? Well status'?

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Mel, Wynne Trust is producing.  July was 9506 mcf and August was 4319 mcf.

Anything at all about the Risenger and James Rowe?

thanks for the update!
jffree1 - have you heard what the going rate is these days for new leases in Shelby county ?
Mel, I haven't heard anything recent but I will ask around.

I would think the "going rate" would be what you and the

oil company could "negotiate" and come to an agreement as to

amount per acre, length, certain terms, etc.

We have received nothing from company.  We had interest in this well. Who do we contact?

Hi!  I have interest in the Wynne Trust and have been having trouble finding info on the TRRC site.  Any news as to how I can retrieve information?

Hi!  We have an interest in Wynn Trust as well and from what I was told XTO may be drilling a second well in our survey-James Rowe.  And yes, WynnTrust was producing in June.  XTO says they are going to hold off paying us for 6 to 9 months.  We signed on in 2010 and Southwestern sold us to XTO  and that deal was closed in May 2011.  So do the math...we probably won't see any money until 2012.

Where can one find production rates for their wells?

Thanks for the update on the Wynn Trust. I hadn't heard about the 2nd well. The RR commission has a lot production information. It just takes some time to figure out where everything is on the site.

Hi again...wondering if you had been paid anything.  We have been leased to XTO and as of yet have not received a dime.  They told us to allow 6 to 9 months for the division orders and March 1st pf 2012 will be 9 months.  I am wondering how many of us are on the Wynn Trust unit and how many have been paid at all.

Hi Lee- I just received my first check today from XTO. It combined Wynn Trust and Timberstar Blackstone. We have a small interest so it was 6 months worth for both wells from June 2011 through December 2011. The payout is less than Southwestern was but I've also heard that gas production has slowed. Hope you see some royalty money soon!



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