My brothers and I are in the process of having our mothers succession done. We have been discussing leasing the property with JW Porter ( Chesapeake), but the rep. with JW Porter is pressuring us to hurry and sign. She (JW Porter) is telling us Chesapeake will force pool us if we don't hurry. Can they do this? And what do you suggest we do at this point.

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Thanks, parker. I'll keep everyone posted on what happens. =)

Why do you say "8 new wells soon"? Just wondering how you arrived at that number.

Also, and I am not picking on you by any means, but your specifics prove the point that royalty is the only thing that really matters. For most people the bonus money is split between 2 things-taxes and spending money. The "stuff" that folks spend the money on and the taxes to pay will very soon disperse the bonus money. "Easy Come- Easy Go". Only the royalty will last any appreciable time and hopefully will be used for education of the next generation or investments, also for the next generation.

Unfortunately, most people are caught up in instant gratification and in a few years they look back and say " I wish I had that to do over again". I hope they have the chance.

The company we leased with has applied for 8 new wells in our sections.
As far as the lease monies/royalties are concerned. This old grandma spent the lease money on herself and her hubby (and set aside tax money); BUT I have been receiving royalties for many years on exsisting well, and DO have a trust set up for my grandchildren's education with that money. That will continue to grow as the royalties grow, however a trip now and then is not out of the question.
From one old Grandma to another, I say good for you. You and your husband should be enjoying your windfall. We hope that we will be able to leave money for both our children and our grandchildren when my husband and I DEPART this world. However, we will not sacrifice our enjoyment and pleasure to ensure that the ones that never worked a day to pay for our land are "taken care of" when we are gone. If that sounds selfish------------guilty as charged!
Me too Cathaus!
Todd, I have no regrets, and I won't. You only have one life, and I am going to live it. Instant gratification is pretty satisfying every now and then.
Why should we give these people 75% of our minerals that belong to us? I understand the expense and risk that are involved. Once we sign these rights over to them, it's theirs forever, right? I have worked for O&G operators for years. I have never understood why people give them so much. Can you enlighten me?
Gotta agree with that. If somebody wants to risk 8 or 10 million dollars so I can make 25%, I'm tickled.
Hi Rodney:

You aren't giving them anything. They want to pay you for the right to explore for your minerals without risk to you.

But, hey, all of that doesn't really matter though cause its pretty clear from your posts that you (and some of the other folks on this site) are trying to figure out what it is going to cost to take a free ride on the operator's dollar. There ain't no law say you can't ...jump in, grab as much of that bull's horn as you dare. It might not be too much fun, but it will darn sure be an education for you.

In three or four years, if they make a well this year, I hope you will get back to us and tell us how it worked out, assuming its over in three or four years, this really could be a five, six (or more) year project for you and your brothers.


Jay Murrell

How many lawsuits have you been personlly involved in where you were paying the bills?


JK - I see you & I have been educated in the same school ... of thought. LOL Personally, I don't have the time to be persuing the lawsuit nor the inclination to fund it just to have it "settle." Good to see you back. Ends up being an expensive education, doesn't it?
Good point, KB. And maybe the key to this will be a joinder of parties in any action to recover proceeds. People are finding it much easier to connect with one another these days, due to resources found on the internet, and groups like Kassi's have shown that there's a strength in numbers. It doesn't have to be one lone mineral owner fighting the goliath.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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