My brothers and I are in the process of having our mothers succession done. We have been discussing leasing the property with JW Porter ( Chesapeake), but the rep. with JW Porter is pressuring us to hurry and sign. She (JW Porter) is telling us Chesapeake will force pool us if we don't hurry. Can they do this? And what do you suggest we do at this point.

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Exclude surface ops on your surface in a follows:

"NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY HEREIN, it is expressly agreed and understood that there will be no surface operations conducted upon any portion the leased premises."


So barring surface ops is really not a reason not to lease........hire a professional to review any lease before you sign it.
Hey KB,

If being a UMI is so much easier and profitable for the O&G's, how come they continue to lease after they have enough acreage to get permitted ? Seems like they would make more money just not leasing the extra peeps if this scenario holds true.
Why continue to threaten people with all these horror stories about getting beat to death by the "big machine" and how they can cook the books in their favor to keep UMI from ever making a dime ? It sounds rather vindictive for an industry thats going to be so great for the future of NWLA and the planet at large.

With all the good hearted warnings we have received from so many of the insiders, it makes you wonder why , after all of the questionable dealings that have taken place in the resent past, worry about the peeps now ? I am starting to feel like that Nike commercial says....... "Just Do It"

Most of the 'forced pooling threats' were made by folks that didn't understand the Mineral Code (or, coming from TX, upon realizing that you couldn't 'cut out' UMI from production, glommed onto the 'risk penalty' bandwagon (also being a non-starter in LA, again, per Mineral Code)).

They then went to the clerk's office and asked where the abstract plant was. Later that evening, some were overheard at the hotel talking to others about how in the last field they worked on, there was a real problem with H2S, which of course bonds with water to form sulfuric acid. (;-{D>)
I would like to see a land owner on here that has been forced pooled in a shallow well, and have some input here about how long it took to receive royalties. Or just a general account of the experience of how they feel they were treated. I have heard a few horror stories, but they involved Texas land owners. It just makes me wonder if we are in uncharted territories. Someone has to know someone who have been through this before. I just have alot of questions on this that I do not have an answer for. So many make it sound like it it the way to go, but is it really? And how do they know? Or is it just a good read?



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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