I was wondering if anybody who lives around the corner of Pierremont and Youree have leased their acreage? If not, have you been contacted, and if you have been contacted what did the leasing company offer you?

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we live in the broadmoor terrace ( Duck pond area) . and were offered 4000 per acre with 20% rlty and a 5 year renewal option. the lease papers were dropped off to me on monday 10 26 09 on tuesday i tried to contact the landman. wednesday when i spoke to him he said it was a no go that twin cities had decided on teusday to shut the lease offers down.
so i should have known that was to good to be true. it would have been about 1000 dollars for me so i was not going to turn it down. i mean it was just extra money when i could use it but just two days later to have the landman say it was no good then i just dont know what gives????????? Dazed and confused homeowner
I live closer to Pierremont and Line, and have not been contacted. I had heard last year that if a well was to be drilled in my area (T17 R13 S19), that it would be behind the Kroger. So far I haven't heard anything more about that.


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