I received a pre-application letter from Blanchard/Walker attorneys concerning my section.  What are the pros and cons concerning force pool and unitize of all separately owned tracts?  Considering what happened with the death of cows recently, how will this affect my well water or the water in the creek on my land?

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Abby - You might want to consider attending this event ...


Also, there is a group here called "Health, Safety, Welfare..." that might have some information that will answer your questions about well water and surface water.


best - 80)
When posting a question involving sections, please post section, township and range you are referring to. Looks like the Metcalf field is mostly in T16N - R15W, but could extend to other townships. The dead cows was a well completion accident and has relation to sections being unitized. Unitizing a section has nothing to do with well water or creek water. In simple terms it just lets every land owner get their fare share of the minerals.
NE4, SEC24,T16,R15W
Are you leased?

Do you want the section to be drilled and get payments for the gas?
Yes I am leased to Cheasapeake. I don't understand forced pooling and it seems no one else does because the question still has not been answered. I am simply trying to learn what the terms mean. I also know that the "accident" wasn't reported until after the cows were dead. Payments for gas are not worth the lifes of my family or my animals.
Abby - If you're leased why concern yourself with forced pooling? However, if your looking for clarification, here's some info ...


Thank you. Since I did not understand force pooling, I did not know whether it would help or hurt.
You're welcome. I think Kassi Fitzgerald may have also left some more information here regarding this issue/matter. Let me know if you can't find her blogs and I'll see if I can locate them.

Abby. Force Pooling has been addressed numerous times ( dozens and dozens of times) here on GHS. If you want to search the archives, you will find two years of discussions on the subject. For a quick and simple explanation: The State of LA. through it's mineral codes has the authority to approve the Force Pooling of all mineral interests within a designated drilling and production unit by the operator of that unit. Forced Pooling is not aimed at mineral owners (lessors). It is aimed at lessees and in effect forces them to cooperate so that the minerals in the defined unit can be produced. Since the state can not receive their revenue from the minerals until they are produced, it has an incentive to provide a means to facilitate production. The term "forced" throws off a lot of laymen. No one likes to be forced to do anything. The mineral codes of the State of LA. also provide for the protection of private interests (mineral owners) whether they are leased or un-leased. That's a simplified explanation. If you have any questions, let me know.
Thank you
Abby - This article by Dr. Gary Hanson was posted on the main page. Dr. Hanson does a good job of explaining some of the concernd/non-concerns of water issues.

If you're leased you want to be "force pooled." It's one of the legal steps necessary to drill a well. It doesn't affect the terms of your lease.

You'd only want to object if you don't want them to produce gas from your minerals.

Force pooling lets them drill even if there are some mineral interest owners in the section who haven't leased. Force pooling lets the operator drill and those who haven't sold out to the driller will get paid according to a formula set by the state.

(Slightly simplified.)

You're 10 times more likely to be killed by a truck or employee driving to or from a drilling site than you are to be killed by chemicals from the well.


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