We moved out of the area in 2010 but still own property and mineral rights in 21 T17N R12W. I didn't sign a lease and was wondering what the latest drilling status is in that section. Really I just want to know if a company is drilling in that section and when the drilling began - for Hayesville Shale oil/gas. Appreciate any replys, especially from someone in that section/township....

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I own a house and mineral rights in the next section 20 T17N R12W.  There is a well that has been under construction for at least the last 6 months and EnCana went through about 8 months ago and re-leased a lot of what they let expire earlier in the year.  Haven't seen an update on the well status but it sounds like it is up and running now.  I'm pretty sure yours is in the same situation.

Looks like the rig was completed a few weeks ago by Encana.  I haven't seen a production update and don't know how long it usually takes before royalty payments occur.

Thanks for the replies Patrick.  The rig that was completed, is that in your section or mine?  If in yours, any insight on if it'll reach into section 21?

There is no Haynesville Shale well completed in Section 21 nor is one permitted at this time.

OK, thanks Skip.  Appreciate the update.

Do you still seek info on 21-17N-12W? I did a lot of work in that area.

. The rig is on Lucky's property I believe. You can see it back behind pinky's bar. I guess GEP Haynesville took over Encana's interest

GEP Haynesville acquired Encana's Haynesville assets in 2016.  Independence Drilling - Rig #203 spud the KHL MIN 16-21 #1 on March 27.


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