Source today reports that SWN's McMahen #1-7 well near Walkerville, Arkansas, may need "artificial lift" due to low bottom hole pressure.
I saw this on the Facebook page; there is conjecture this is not good as the well is in flowback from fracking. Any other opinions? Would this not make it more challenging?   

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McMahen well into Lower Smackover Brown Dense producing only four barrels of oil daily - - January 14, 2014

Southwestern Energy Production Company’s wildcat well into the Lower Smackover Brown Dense near Walkerville has posted disappointing results.

According to the Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission, the well – which was drilled to a depth between 10,976 and 11,306 feet – produced only four barrels of 40.1-gravity oil daily. The well was completed on December 17.

The McMahen 19-21 No. 1-7 was drilled 781 feet FSL and 1,293 feet FEL in Section 7-19S-21W northwest of Walkerville.

Southwestern Energy Production received a drilling permit as operator of the well from the commission in August.

Interest in the McMahen well was high because it was SEPCO’s second attempt to find oil in marketable quantities within the Brown Dense in Columbia County. SEPCO is drilling in other locations among the half-million acres it has leased in South Arkansas and North Louisiana, and other companies have also drilled wells or plan to do so.

Francis, It seems very strange that SWE set production tank battery before they determined that well would produce oil and gas. There is considerable expense in installing those tanks. In all wells I have participated in over the years I don't remember operator setting production tanks prior to determining they had productive well.

It seems to me that SW was anxious to get the "BAD NEWS" out as quickly as possible.

I still think this well  could be completed in different formation or depth. Without access to well log I am just speculating. Does anyone think 2 wells are sufficient to condemn all of Columbia County? Seems some are anxious to do so.


So Aubrey, posting the Magnolia Reporter article is condemning acreage?  I post the good with the bad as long as I think it is a reasonable reporting source.  Those prone to conspiracy theories use the word "condemn", I do not.

Skip, don't be so sensitive. "Condemn" is not a 4 letter word.

I do appreciate the job the Magnolia Reporter does. Theirs is a difficult job to sort out "the oil from the chaff".

And, yes, I am very familiar with conspiracy in the business. Read "The Frackers"

Also, look at the history of North Shongaloo-Red Rock Field in late '40's into the 50's

Aubrey, IMO I am not the one who is "so sensitive".  The Magnolia Reporter Brown Dense articles get posted on the site regularly.  Should we only post them when they are positive?  Does an article on the McMahen condemn Columbia County?  What do other formations and the Shongaloo-Red Rock Field have to do with the article or the discussion thread?  You have used the word "condemn" before in referring to my posts and I will say again, please do not attempt to put words in my mouth.


You are right about SWN getting the "bad news" out very quickly. They did not have to do that completion report that fast. They took much longer on the Roberson well. SWN has produced over 60,000 bbls of out the Sharp well and we still don't have a completion report. I am not comparing the results of the wells just the timing of the completion reports. You have said all along that there would be economical wells in areas and non-economic wells in other areas. The AOGC did not require them to file that report. They could have sat on it for a year. It seems funny that SWN would put out that completion report at the same time that Columbia Co. leases are coming up for renewal. Columbia Co. may never have a successful LSBD well but I don't think 2 wells reflect a whole county's potential. Certain people have condemned the whole LSBD play and have stated that on this site. Even if they are proven to be correct about the LSBD, there are still many other targets. Even they concede that. Thanks for the post Mr. Sanders. I am glad that you noticed the timing. I thought I was the only conspiracy theorist on this site.

Mueller states that it took over 60 verticals to figure out the Fayetteville and over 100 once they went horizontal. Mueller also states that except for the thickness of the formation the LSBD is uniform throughout their acreage.



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