Monthly Production from L SMK RA SUA in Ora Field (Combined BML and Doles Figures)

SONRIS Lite is now reporting cumulative oil and gas production for the month of January, 2013, for the L SMK RA SUA unit in the Ora Field of Union Parish, which contains the BML and Doles horizontals. The figures, which appear to be total unit production from both wells, are 17,752 barrels of oil (condensate?) and 123,361 MCF of gas. Assuming this is for 31 days, this is equivalent to 573 BOPD and 3979 MCFD. The state potential tests were run for both wells on or about January 31, 2013 and showed combined production of 511 BOPD and 4353 MCFD. So it appears that daily production did not drop precipitously during the month. Of course we don't know how much choke settings were changed during the month. It will be interesting to see how the output holds up in the next few months.

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We have minerals south of BML about 2 miles.  Do we have a shot at the Brown Dense?

You are still north of the Whiting recently permitted Hicks et al. FLP well in S28 T21N R3W, so you probably are still in the running for the Brown Dense.

Thanks Obed.

Sorry all, but these production values do not look good.  Whenever the condensate yield is dropping (less BCPD per MCF) the reservoir is letting everybody know that liquids are dropping out in the formation and not migrating to the wellbore.

This is not what one wants to see if you are hoping to get a well drilled on your land.  

And sorry Willie. 

Well, let's hope for the best and think positive.   I heard they went back and refracked the Doles in the past month.  Is that true?


Although vertical wells are often re-fraced, horizontal wells completed using hydraulic stimulation are not designed to be re-stimulated (fraced).  The Doles well was fraced using 22 stages during completion operations.  However some of SWN's horizontal wells have completion designs where segments of the lateral are fraced at different times with different perforation and pumping protocols.   

Thanks Skip.  I have not been in contact with anyone as much as I was when they were drilling these wells.  I am curious about the  future production.   I am sure everyone is!



So...on the looks like they changed the LUW code...because they are listed as NGL wells now. Anyone see a copy of the most recent well tests or know why these things changed?

LR, can you cut-and-paste the text or provide a link to the report you are referencing? 

Here is a copy of the  Office of Conservation order changing the Ora unit from oil to gas/condensate, in response to a request from SWN:

i knew they had done that.  do they always change the LUW code when they reclassify a field?  It seems to have delayed their production reporting obligations.



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