Looks like they are wanting to drill in the north section of the 1280 acre unit the Sharp well is in.



Views: 11767


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This Milstead 15 well in 15-22N-1E has now been permitted, permit # 247230.


has anyone been contacted about seismic work in the area.

I was contacted on sunday.  Only offered $5.00 an acre  .

Not sure about down there specifically, but I think $5 is pretty standard.

Thanks.  I didn't have a clue if this was a low ball figure or not.

I received $15.00 per acre after being offered $5.00 at Lisbon, La.

You better get a rider in contract to pay for any Timber or other damages.  They drive right over your small Timber.  I mean Timber 4 inches in diameter.  If your land is  in the Delta Farming area, and the land is wet, watch out for large Ruts.

glad to have your input.  I have a timbered tract and I don't want that to happen.

I got a letter today asking for permission to begin Geophysical Operations on our 126 acres. It's located in Section 25 Township 22 North, Range 1 West in Union Parish.

They are offering $5 an acre for the permit.

Based on the discussion in this thread, it appears this is pretty much an industry standard although it looks like Robert Stevens got $15. I am not sure that I want to quibble over $1200 as I just want them to get started as soon as possible. That would be a great Christmas present if I had some optimism that we might see a payday from this.

I got the same letter for a 40 acre tract and $5 per.  I am not going to quibble on 40 acres.  I am concerned about damages and the length of time for the work which the lease did not address.  I agree that I want them to do it and as soon as possible.

I had quite a bit of that done on timberland in Red River Parish. Seems 5/acre was what we got. They didn't seem to do much damage.

As an aside, have a friend who is a deer hunter. Took last week off, but said hunting was poor for all the seismic testing they were doing. This was around Homer.

I received 25 bucks an acre from GeoKinetics/Cougar Land Services in July of this year. As in anything else, I was pitched a few low balls. I have learned not to swing at the first few pitches from energy pitchers. I had an amended agreement as well, to more favorable terms for damage.

I don't know if there is an industry standard for compensation for seismic surveys.  I do know that there are numerous discussions on this subject in the archive and that the most common price paid in those discussions was $15/acre.  As with an O,G&M lease the up front payment is not the most important term of the agreement.  Perform a search of past discussions using the key word, seismic.  Use the search box that says, "Looking For Something" located on the Main Page.


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