Obama recieved over 100,000 dollars in campaign donations from the people he pretends to chastise now, don't let him play 2 card Monte. Please find your brain and see through this Chicago Machine rookie.

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The same could be said for Bushes, & people still trying to canonize Reagain. Appreciate the off-handed compliment tho. It's Bama's turn---I guess....I did not dislike Bush...just thought he was dumb--the future will tell who is dumber...
I don't recall in 8 years Bush ever admitting he made a mistake or apologizing for anything, I'm not saying he didn't, I just don't recall. Can you help me recollect? I do recall Obama saying "I screwed up" and we are just a few months into his administration.
Now you got jokes.
Well KB,
Then this administration needs to show it. They put in the stimulus bill, that only American steel can be used in projects payed for by the stimulus bill, pissed off Canada, so Obama had to go up north to Canada and smooth it over. They don't want Mexican trucks on our highways, now Mexico has slapped tariffs on american goods, but yet they don't want to stop Mexicans illegals from crossing the Rio Grand. He had to go to Europe because they almost started a trade war with Europe. These folks don't have a clue!!

the gang that can't shoot straight
The ones that drove the country into the ditch, is now complaining about the size of the tow truck.
If you don't want to drive the truck, don't apply for the job.
Hey Dorch, does this "quote" make sense?
Yes it does, my point being if your gonna drive the tow truck and pull the economy out of the ditch. Quit standing on the side of the road complaining about the driver who drove the truck into the ditch in the first place. You wanted the job to get the truck out, you got the job to get the truck out. Are you gonna stand on the side of the road all day making excuses for why you can't get the truck out, or are you going blaming the driver walk down the ditch and hook up the cable and pull it out.
Gee, thanks pal, seems like I recall some Repubs doing that before, & seems like a lot of them are complaining about the tow truck now. Speaking of tow trucks it took two of them to pull our motor home out of the sand on South Padre island years ago. :-) Nothing about nothing but I voted Republican then.
Admitting that a mistake was made is the first part of correcting one. I have said in the past and will say again that the final two years of the Bush administration was terrible mess. I can admit mistakes, most liberals can't. ( I do make a distinction between a southern democrat and a liberal by the way) at some time Tiger, when your party or my party screws things up to the point where it is so blatant, you as individual should stand up and say, "you know we screwed that up". When you don't, you lose your credibility, because people then see your blinded by and agenda and not the truth.

Sorry about your RV, I did the same with my boat.
If you don't mind Tiger, let me say this for good measure. What they did to Liddy on Capitol Hill yesterday might have been the most gross violation of trust of any american that I have seen in years. The government asked Liddy to take this job, and get AIG in order, they gave him $1 dollar wage and told him to go to work. He had nothing at all to do with these bonuses, nothing!! and yet these freaking clowns are going to call him up on the carpet for their little dog and poney show.
It just makes me SICK!!!! Somebody needs cram a jumbo dog down Baney Fwrank's throat and make him shut up.

Thanks for listening.


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