Friday starts with sever storm warnings. My daughter who is afraid of bad weather always spends the night with us in bad weather. That includes her two pug dogs who goal in life to lick your legs right after you get out of the shower.

Non the less I make a trip to Academy Sports to buy fishing baits and a life vest for a fishing trip and stunned to find fishing baits are $5 a piece. Are they made out of oil?

Well I only bought 4 and decided to buy a hook sharpener to make them last at least till I die. That was another $5. So now with head swimming I find the lift vest and I know I need to lose a few pounds but by the time I found one that would fit it had a 4 and a row of X’s that looked like a rating on a Sweden porno movie.

Now I feeling like I need to get home storms rolling in but I need a fishing license. I stop at the customer service desk and requested a senior fishing license. Yep $5 but what the heck. She asks me to sign what looked like the Declaration of Independence. Won’t fit in my wallet but she put it in a bag about the same size as my life vest.

Trying to relax I took my $5 fishing baits sharpen the hooks and placed them in my tackle box. Started to feel better. Storms getting closer forecast flooding etc.

Decided to step in the carport put on and adjust the straps on my New Sweden life vest
About the same time my daughter drove up two pugs jumped out licked me on both legs she walked by and looked at my life vest and said that is not funny!


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I LOVE your off topic stuff.

Mr. Buckner,

Great story, I'm glad your daughter and her pugs made it through the rough weather.

Fishing Sir, is not a cheap sport as you just found out, Every year I purchase an out of state Texas license, which cost $60, I also purchase a Arkansas fishing license which cost about $35 and of course my LA license. I'm out about $105 dollars before I even get a line in the water.
Outdoor sports certainly are not cheap. The last time I went elk hunting in Montana the tag was $900. And I brought it back unpunched!
LOL - you might need to change your name from "buck" to "fiver" or "five bucks." Now, if you get a really good tomato crop, you can set up a stand in your driveway, like a Kool-Aid stand, and sell the tomatoes for ... you guessed it ... $5. You'll get back all the money you've spent in the last few days.

best - sesport :0)
Buck. The first time I went to the Farmer's Market in downtown Shreveport was the last time I planted a tomato. It looks like a foodie magazine photo shoot. A tomato beauty pageant. I may be heresy for a southern boy to not plant tomatoes. But I'm not that big a gardener. I'd rather plant asparagus. And buy my maters at the market.
I used to have a neighbor that grew asparaguys, only got 3-4 stalks each year, though. Another neighbor grows the 'maters, I grow dwarf pomegranates. "Maters from the market ... like Kroger's? YUK!
Is that in Ajax
I eat at the Pleasant Hill Petroleum Club when I am in that neck of the woods, the gossip I get is well worth more than 5 bucks.
The burgers at Baileys in Coushatta are still the best in the state.
Mr. Buckner,

At least you can recall some, I can't even do that.
Recalls are a PITA, especially when it's GM. :0)
My wife is like a gas well, she lost 85% of production in the first year.



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