City to help cabs turn green
By John Byrne

Tribune reporter

5:46 p.m. CDT, April 22, 2011
Mayor Richard Daley today announced a program to reimburse cab companies for using hybrid cars or those powered by natural gas.

The Green Taxi Program, which the mayor announced for Earth Day, uses $1 million in federal funding to pay back cab companies for making the switch.

Norma Reyes, Commissioner of the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection, said the city wanted to give the companies an incentive to invest in more environmentally friendly cars.

"The City of Chicago is committed to supporting these efforts and providing financial and operational incentives to offset the higher initial cost price of these vehicles," Reyes said.

Companies will be reimbursed $2,000 for buying hybrids, and between $9,000 and $14,000 for converting cars to compressed natural gas or propane power. Electric vehicles do not qualify under this program.


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Buck-----Can not believe Chicago Mayor Daley recommends NG over Obama's Motors GM Volt in Chicago--- WOW maybe there is HOPE
Buck---- that brings back memories---That's a Hank William song sang by Elvis. I hear him in person at the old Reo Plam between Longview and Kilgore late 50s sing it. WOW he is the Greatest Ever.
Seaport ll --agree 1 million is just cheap way to get a political news write  up for Obama. You didn't get your Helmet? Dam--- Mayor Daley must have got it.

seaport---so the helmet still there--- can you auction it off?



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