I have recently been approached by OneOk to obtain a ROW for their upcoming Sterling III Pipeline.  (16" NGL pipeline)  I would like discuss with anyone the going rates as well as what conditions to consider in the agreement.

Their initial proposal was for $200/rod on approx. 100 rod length.  This is across mostly pasture land parallel to 4 other existing pipelines.

I would appreciate any help on this matter.

Tags: Oneok, Pipeline, ROW, Right, Sterling, of, way

Views: 2968

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bacon--- you got $750 because of the Big 42" pipe--- Vernon negoitating only a 16" pipe. I agree the first offer from pipeline co. always lower that what they intent to pay and know what they will have to pay. This deal $300 maybe market today and if can get the width of easement decreased and combined with the other ROW already across his land would be good deal IMO

Attached is some good information concerning recent Eminent Domain, Common Carrier Status and other recent surface rights issues.  I thought it might be useful information for anyone negotiating ROW's.


For the record we signed today for $500/rod plus damages (Trinity Co., TX).  They accepted all of our demands but one (they refused to bore our creek).  We basically followed Eric Camp's suggestions in his blog

I hope this helps someone.

Has any landowner out there received an offer lately of more than $500/rod?  Thanks. 


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