I got a letter today from Pinnacle oil and gas offering me $5,000 for one half of one fifth royalty interest in my 1.9 acres in section 17-T15N-R15W. Has anyone else received letters similar to this? They also included info on how little money was going to made on these Haynesville Shale wells due to the cost of drilling. I don't plan on taking their offer, but would appreciate some feedback on this offer.

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Do you have a way of posting the letter?
Here is the first paragraph.

Please be advised that Pinnacle Oil and Gas, LLC is offering to purchase a 1/2 of 1/5 (10%) royalty interest in the 1.9 acres referenced above from you. Pinnacle is offering $5,000 for this interest. Royalty interest only comes into effect if and when there is production from an oil well. If there is no production from your property within 5 years, any royalty interest that you may sell will revert back to you automatically in 5 years. In addition, you will still own 10% of the royalty for future payments from production.

The rest of the letter has royalty deeds which needs signatures and to be notarized. They have everything neatly packaged for me to sign most of my royalty over to them for the $5.000. I don't think they would be offering this if they did not expect to make a good profit from this.
I had no idea they were already going to drill. I guess that is why Pinnacle oil sent me this letter hoping I would not find out about a well about to be drilled. Thanks for letting me know about this. I think I will keep my royalties.
what city and state was this letter from?

Did it say anything about production of hydrocarbons in the letter or did it only say production of oil?

post it


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