Does anyone know anything about plans for a pipeline in this area?

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Pipeline ROW cleared out going west out of Sec #22 along section lines #'s 21/28. Pipeline ROW staked out going north along E side of Sec #18 crossing 191. Some other info that I have that I can't verify right now, so I won"t mention it. Got anything you can add?
No. I own land in sec 22 . There's a well being drilled and if gas is found I was wondering how it could be brought to market without a pipeland. I don't live close enough to the area to know what goes on daily just hoping that someone could give some info . Thanks for the info. I'm still new to all of this and have alots to learn.
G-Dawg----You can rest assured that the pipelines will be in place shortly, if section 22, 27, 26,
and sec 20, 17, and 18 gets drilled. There are all kind of signs of pipelines crossing Hwy 763 and crossing the mills road, to tie into a line probably wil be like Lanadan says running up side of section 18 and crossing Hwy 191. Due north of section 18 (where north, south and east, west lines will tie together) there is already a big ROW that runs into Southern Natural line, and Texas Eastern line.

Info 'bout the pipeline going north along E/side of #18 came directly from landowner in telephone conversation. (Landowner was paid MUCHO DINERO for 30' ROW!) Go down Dogwood Trail road and one can see a VERY large ROW going back east to the Sec #22 Marr well. I still don't know how all this will tie in with the Sec #20 Blackstone well. Any insights on this?
Lanadan----good morning. I think all the wells that are being drilled in those sections named above will ultimately tie in to pipelines that meet up where section 18 and section 17 meet up. From the top of my property, which is the North line of sec 18,
there has been for many years a large ROW going alway to Hwy 84 tying in to Southern Natural and Texas Eastern large pipelines. If you will notice up at Doyle English, the pipeline will be going west/east and tie into the one I am talking about going up the east side of section 18. This probably will catch everything in 11-15. Now my information and 25 cents will get you a cup of coffee at DQ. Have a good day.
I do live in the area of 22 and try to keep up with the going-ons' around here. I am also in contact with those who know what they are talking about, and have no use for any speculations that are not based on sound information. I am NOT a landman nor do I have no other motives in responding to you other than to help out any way I can. Let me know your questions or concerns and I will get back to you.
They're going to drill Section 19 too. The pad is staked, just off the Day Road and I saw on Sonris they got the permit last week. My guess is this PL will service the wells in 19 and 20 (also recently permitted).
I've posted this on other discussions, and may not apply to this as it involves T14N mostly, but this one is in the works. Best - sesport



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