Let's say Haynesville well(s) are drilled.
Then later Bossier shale wells are drilled.
It is time for fracing of the Bossier wells.
Would the fracing (disturbance) from the Bossier negatively affect the Haynesville gas coming to the top?
Are the formations so far apart one should not affect the other?
Would the different formation wells have to be positioned carefully to not negate the other?
Just wondering?

Tags: bossier, fracing, haynesville, shale

Views: 160

Replies to This Discussion

thanks les. at the point where the driller is going to make the turn for the lateral leg is there something placed downhole to turn the bore? or is it completly done from the surface ,using tourqe.
To answer your question, drilling the curve has nothing to do with torque or an object being placed downhole. The Directional Driller uses a device called a mud motor which is placed directly above the bit. This motor is bent from 0-3 deg. Through the use of MWD hands with there mud pulse technology, they can tell the DD which way the motor is pointed. The DD then drills in the desired direction (called sliding) which means the rotary is stop. Those Directional Drillers are some smart cookies and thus must make plenty of money!
KJ, it is my understanding that drillers utilize a downhole mud motor with steering tool to drill the bend and lateral. This is what allows the sharp turns and precise location of the well path. I also believe the vertical section is still drilled using surface torque and a rotating drill string.
Les, Steven, or KJ (or anyone else),
Can you explain (only to satisfy my curiosity) how the driller, who is two miles up, knows where the drill bit is? And exactly how precisely does he know wher the bit is? Thanks in advance.
VSC, the two formations can be produced simultaneously using separate wells.
VSC, the two formations are separated by enough thickness that there will be no interference between wells. It may be that some Bossier Shale wells are drilled at the same time as the Haynesville Shale wells in unit. The timing for future development wells may vary by operator and region.


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