I am curious to know what other royalty owners are being paid per MCF for their gas. I have kept up with the Daily Spot Price of Well Head gas and what I am being paid is well below the daily spot market price. An example the spot price for December 2011 gas produced is given as $3.14 per MCF, I was paid $2.75 per MCF. this trend goes back to at least April of 2011.

July 2011 spot price was $4.27 per MCF and I was paid $3.65 per MCF.  I would like to compare the price we are being paid.  Please contact me and lets discuss what seems to be a problem. We can and have a right to know who they are selling to at the reduced prices.

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The $2.90 is before Gathering, Compression, Gathering and Fuel charges.

After those charges... approx. 18%... $2.38.  So realized price to CEMI is $2.38.

CHK Operating Inc. is pricing the nat gas at $2.90.

So Unleased Mineral Owners are footing the well costs and paying...essentially...a "Leased Owners" costs per a lease without a "cost-free" royalty addendum.  

I thought CHK Midstream Development (CMD) managed the Compression, Gathering, Processing, Treating for CHK Energy? 

DWS 4/4/2012



Wow! All of this is SOOOO over my head! With gas prices so low is anyone getting any checks from Chesapeake? Do they just keep using our minerals and we get nothing? If we got paid, they are six months behind, what should we expect?


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