We just rceived our first royalty checks and it just does not add up. I calculated my decimal interest(Size of Your Property/Size of Unit × % of Your Mineral Ownership × Royalty %
from your Oil or Gas Lease = Your Decimal Interest in the Unit...is this correct?). It came to 0.00061044. Encana and Shell are in a partnership each claiming they pay 1/2 of royalties on our well. Encana pulled103,474 mcf and paid 1/2 (0.00030522) of our decimal interest for that portion. Shell pulled 133,558 mcf and paid 1/2 (0.00030522) of our decimal interest. These are two different pulls for the same month. Should'nt I be getting 1/2 from Shell and half from Encana for the 133,558 mcf that Shell sold and 1/2 from Shell and half from Encana for the 103,474 that Encana sold? Or should each be paying the decimal interest amount of 0.00061044 for each of their sales? I took the numbers and figured mysef and should have received twice that had there only been one company paying full royalty.

Tags: Question, about, payments, royalty

Views: 590

Replies to This Discussion

thanks is this the same well i was talking about??
yes. i just don't have April's production.
cool!!! thanks very much! i just wish they would get it up and producing for a whole month so we can see what it will do. is there somewhere i can get the production info that you can get?? i take it from what i read that they had some problems with the well?


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