How long does the typical Hooston formation well take to start producing after

the wells Spud date?  (EX.  Section 033-16n-13w Hoss SU97; B Debreck 33) ?

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Hi John, and welcome to GHS.

The oil & gas well behind my Louisiana home was spud on
5/7/2014 and was completed and productive on 11/24/2014. 
There were several problems with drilling and with achieving

You should be able to find your exact well & status here:

Dellp, john has been around for years.  The problem with answering questions regarding his well is that the operator is a small time independent that does the minimum possible to hold leases in force.  There have been many discussions on Camterra in the past.  His well is in LA, not TX.

Wrong approach.  File suit against the operator for clouding the title on the minerals to wake a sleeping giant.

Are they leased or UMI?  Who is the well operator?  As we have been recently reminded, the salient facts are important to a meaningful discussion.

You need to direct that question to the owner who posted. I am just offering suggestions not giving advice.

William, I did.  The architecture of the website does not always allow a reply to go where you post it.  KCM will reply in time.

I think it best it digress as you are more experienced in the Louisiana Mineral Code and this matter is really none of my business.  I made my suggestion but keep me in mind insofar as efforts required by the operator to maintain the lease in force.

john hamiltan's operator is Camterra.  You can read what has been posted about them previously in the GHS archive if you care for some background.

It's always good to have some members from the industry side of the equation.  It helps maintain a balanced perspective for laymen.

Define "minimum" insofar as required operations by the operator to hold the lease in lieu of commercial production of the well in question.

Unless the well isnot producing in paying quantities and the operator is not making bona fide efforts to enhance production by workover the lease is probably no loner valid after the primary term of the lease.  I suggest writing the operator requesting a release placed of record and see what happens as a result of your request.

Your question does not provide enough information. Spud date, of course, is the date the drilling commences. There can be various problems associated with drilling and completion, which affect that time interval. Does the well have access to a pipeline? Or must one be laid?

Another question which might be pertinent in these days of low gas prices is what kind of shut in language does your lease contain?

You should be able to get status and production data on SONRIS

Mr. Nabors makes a good point in doing as much research on your own you can by any source available.  Providing a chronology of events by documentation of facts provided by you to your attorney saves on legal fees if litigation is the final option to resolve the issue..



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