Hi new to the site. I was contacted by a land man wanting to buy my Oil & Gas Royalties in Shelby County.  I know my Dad kept some from when he sold some land there back in the 50's. I know where the land is but that's all I know. Does anyone know a good Royalty Lawyer in Center TX that can search this or can I do any search's on my on.

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Was he wanting to buy your royalties or lease your minerals? In order for him to buy your royalties, you (your Dad) would have to have a producing well. Some Shelby County records are online but if your Dad sold it in the 50s it might not be unless there has been some well activity. Then they put all those documents online. If your Dad has previously leased the minerals he kept, then that will be online. The easiest way to get to SC records is www.shelbycountytoday.com and then click on the "public records" tab. Type in your Dad's name and it should pull up any transactions since 1983. You might need to know the name of the survey. There is also a website for Texas county records where you can pay to access records if you do not live near the County Clerk's office. Do you know the survey or area of Shelby County this land was located? If they want to buy your minerals, think twice before you do it!
You don't have to have production to buy royalty.

You can buy minerals or royalty, in short, a royalty sale leaves the mineral owner in control of leasing, benifits from lease bonuses, etc, while the royalty owner only gets to share in producion.
if you are looking for lawyer to run title search for you in center,texas contact John Price (936 598 2981)his firm also owns a title company in center. Your other opinion is to search on your on at county clerks record office or hire a landman to do the same for you. As Etola said think twice and maybe again before selling minerals it's a life decision. John Price helped me 2 years ago runing title opinion on minerals from my family.
That was really fast, Thanks to both. Etola he said make a offer, don't know if he meant buy or lease. I was so socked after all these years. In a e-mail he listed two piece of land a 10 3/4 track and 20 1/2 track in the Thomas Haley Survey. I really don't know of these tracks, the one I know about is a 38 acre track he sold in the mid 50's. I had family all over Shelby County at one time most are still there but are in New Hope Cemetery.
As far as "buy your minerals" know way. I have some mineral rights over in Rusk County and get letters all the time offering next to nothing. I get more in one year ($$$) than they are offering for everything.
I will look at the sites y'all linked and look in to calling John Price.
Thanks again Etola & adubu for your quick answers.
That Thomas Haley Survey should be a good neighboorhood for you to have your minerals in.

Same survey that has Noble's/Mary Harris 1-H well, which is the strongest Haynesville/Bossier well so far to date in Shelby County. IP'd at over 12+ mmcfd and has already produced over 1.2 BCF in it's first 6 months of poduction.

Lease Name: HARRIS, MARY, Lease No: 252810, Well No: 1H
County Statewide Onshore
Lease Production and Disposition
Jan 2001 - Feb 2010

Date GW Gas (MCF) Condensate (BBL) Operator Name Operator No. Field Name Field No.
Production Disposition Production Disposition
Sep 2009 233,035 233,035 114 114 NOBLE ENERGY INC 611665 CENTER (HAYNESVILLE) 16697300
Oct 2009 319,478 319,478 21 21
Nov 2009 225,453 225,453 0 0
Dec 2009 157,225 157,225 0 0
Jan 2010 152,302 152,302 0 0
Feb 2010 116,693 116,693 0 0 NOBLE ENERGY INC 611665 CARTHAGE (HAYNESVILLE SHALE) 16032300
Total 1,204,186 1,204,186 135 135

Here's the link for the W-1 info for that Mary Harris well:


(if you open up the page in the link above, you can then click on the "Map" icon in the "API#" field and it will then open up a new window with that well location plotted in the Railroad Commission's GIS Maps. Click the zoom out button a few times and you can then see exactly where that survey is located in the county.)

Noble also has a new permit for their Michael Baldwin Well 1-H in that very same survey.
I was just on the Shelby Co Clerk's site looking for some of my own information, so I also ran a quick search with "Thomas Haley Survey" and then name "Beck".

Was your father Alton Beck? If so, it looks like he sold some property that seems to match your description above in the T.Haley Survey back in 1960.

Here's the instrument # for you to find that document again yourself on the online site:

Instrument#: 112500050679

Here's the link to the online search site at the clerk's office:


click on the "Search Real Estate" link on the left side of the page and then plug in that instrument number above in the appropriate filed and it will pull up the warranty dead record for that transaction.
Yes my father was Alton B Beck & wife Tommie Lee (Dry) Beck Who or what would I go to find if any royalties are do.
I met with Eric Camp last week... he is experienced regarding Haynesville Shale properties in the area. His firm is out of Ft. Worth. He is very personable and straight forward. I have a cousin in Center, and I would send her to him if she had any questions. You can search past discussions, and see that others also have great things to say about him. Good luck!!
"brain surgeon from Kazakhstan" LOL, I see things have not changed much in Shelby County. Thanks
JR you will like John Price then because he has office in both Center and Nacgodoches
Another recommendation for Eric here as well....
Thanks David & CajuninTexas, I just e-mailed Eric Camp. Will post more after we get together.
David it was really nice talking with you day and thanks for all the great advice. I see now why everyone is so happy about this site. Lot's of great folks here.


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