We just bought 50 acres (south of 103 on FM 705) and own 100% of the mineral rights on this property. Our property lies in A-21 N Hunt survey. A timber guy contacted us offering a price for our timber. I refused and the conversation turned to mineral rights. I informed him that I own the mineral rights to the property and he was shocked and stated that I didn't have any idea what I was sitting on. I was a little surprised because looking back through the property leasing data, the mineral rights had only been leased a few times since the 1950's. I told him that this property wasn't even part of the big land rush back in 2008. I'm one of those "I'll believe it when I see it" kinda people. He stated that activity in that area was about to pick back up and his company (which timber thousands of acreage) is dealing with O&G companies looking for additional mineral leases in that particular area. Personally, I think he's nuts because I have many friends in the O&G industry (in Houston) and they haven't heard any such chatter. Also, my understanding is that the Haynesville Shale doesn't extend south of Hwy 103. So, is my gut reaction right, or does this guy know something that I don't?

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I am certain that I own 100% of the minerals underneath my property. I own both the surface and minerals underneath. That was part of the agreement when I purchased the property. We included an addendum (Mineral Deed) to the contract that all mineral rights (100%) would be sold in addition to the purchase of the surface property. 

By the way...I'm not looking for any sort of payday because I would rather not have to deal with oil and gas companies. I just prefer to keep my land as it is and continue on with life. I just want to be prepared in case I am forced to deal with them. Honestly, I don't ever expect to be approached about leasing my minerals. Judging by the maps I've seen, it doesn't look like my property is in a good spot for production.

As I mentioned previously it matters not what your deed states if there are prior mineral reservations in the chain of title.  The seller transferred to you 100% of what he owned but he may have owned a half interest, a quarter interest or no interest.  Mineral reservations in land deeds became common in that part of east Texas early in the 20th. century.  Every sale of this land since that time could have included a mineral reservation. There is no certainty without a mineral title search.  Since the mineral estate takes precedence over the surface estate, if someone else owns the minerals they can execute a lease and the terms of the lease will largely control what an energy company can do on your surface.


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