The Land & Knowles 18 H #1 well is at 15,138 ft. and drilling.

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The check was for August production (about 10 days) 202368.63 MCF. Flowback did not start until August 21.
Thanks for the reply and information...

I got the check yesterday but have not received division orders yet. Have you received division orders?
We got our check yesterday. Is there any way we can find each months production. Do you think we will get september check soon?
We have heard that people around us have gotten their checks but we have not gotten one yet. Hoping it comes soon!
Also, we leased in Oct 2008. Not sure if that has something to do with it. I know people who leased before us have gotten checks already.
No division orders yet. I did think we would get them before the check. Isn't that what usually happens?
yep, normally DO comes first, then check. The decimal interest on the check matches my figures so I guess everything is OK.
We are leased in another section with Encana and production of that well started a year ago. We, nor anyone else I knew, never got division orders. I called Encana and they said they normally don't do them. In past years on cotton valley wells, we would get div. orders, so I am familiar with them.
Thanks to all for the info.
I dont understand how we got August check and was told by Encana that the payment s run two months behind with the well going on line in August

You got check for August, this is October, two months after August. You can carry it to the bank.... that's two months behind.
Thanks i guess I was sleep but I better wake up now with this mail box money coming.Thanks again!



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