The Land & Knowles 18 H #1 well is at 15,138 ft. and drilling.

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We recieved our check last month on the 18th. Nothing in the mail today.
I'm not sure if this has been brought up but Encana has an owner's relation web site that gives you your check info early (or on time) and can do direct deposits, etc. Here is the web link:
What great info to have. Thanks. Once we start getting checks on sec. 18, I can check if it is late. Wish all the companies would set up something like this

Your wish has been granted.

PDS Energy Owner Relations
Ok FXEF, I am IMPRESSED. Thank you.
Yes, thank you.

I just check the Encana site and noticed their was no information posted for this month. Does anyone have any insight into this?

We didn't get our check until 21st last month. Maybe with all the Christmas mail it is a day late



Encana says that all royalty payments will be mailed from the Denver, CO office no later than the 24th of each month. I would think the online check stub will show up shortly after checks are cut.

I see.  I thought I read in one of the earlier post,  the 14th or 18th. Thanks for the new information.

Jim, below is an Encana letter explaining royalty payments.




Thanks for the information FXEF...



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