An Encana super pad went up over night and then a rig came in and it got permitted all in same week. Have never seen all this activity happen this quickly. Sec. 7 & Sec. 6 are being drilled from Sec. 7 pad. Seismic people everywhere again. ANyone know why all the super rush to get this well up. Leases don't expire til fall 2010

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What is the purpose of this seismic action? Why are these tests limited to the diagram of sections posted? The seismic people are saying that are looking for overlaying shales and oil reserves.
KCM, my opinion is these surveys will help identify any geologic features such as faults that should be avoided when drilling development wells. It may also be utilized to analyze some of the boundary areas of the Haynesville Shale and Bossier Shale plays.
I never paid a lot of attention to the seismics until I watched a well being drilled and seismic people were working the area from right next to well and then to the south. I assumed the well's laterals were defined when the permit was taken, so that got me curious about the reason for the combo of drilling & seismic testing being done concurrently. It probably is just coincidental that they were done simultaneously. Thanks for the info. I always appreciate your insight.
The picture to the left of this post is the new Encana well on Section 21, 14N14W
Hopefully that beauty is in your section Kay. If so , congratulations
It is...and thank you.
Kay, Encana has the big well in 21/ 14/14. What is the small well just a 300 yards to the west? I have never seen 2 wells so close together
We have a lease on our lot in Section 6 T14n R14W (North DeSoto Estates), but we haven't received notice of application for permit to drill in that Section. When will they start drilling on Section 6?
LIW. You will not receive a notice for an application for a permit to drill as none is required by the state. You can search SONRIS Lite for permits by date or wait for one of the members to announce that the location is built or the rig is on site. The operator sends notice for unit and alternate unit well applications but not for well permits.
I received notice from Chesapeake on my other properties...... and I've also received notice as an interested party. Guess some send out notices and some don't.
Thanks for the information Skip..... by the way, I have a well being drilled on Section 6 T12n R11W.... that's in the Naborton area........ sure hope it comes in Big Time!.... Wish me luck.
LJW. All energy companies send out unit application and alternate unit well application notices to land and mineral owners of record within the boundaries of the drilling unit and those outside of the boundaries but within 1000' feet. It is required by LA. mineral statutes. A lot of folks will be pulling for that well. Good Luck to all.



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