An Encana super pad went up over night and then a rig came in and it got permitted all in same week. Have never seen all this activity happen this quickly. Sec. 7 & Sec. 6 are being drilled from Sec. 7 pad. Seismic people everywhere again. ANyone know why all the super rush to get this well up. Leases don't expire til fall 2010

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Which four are you speaking of kitty? I know Encana and Chesapeake. What are the other two?
these are seismic companies, not operators. Global, veritas, and 2 others whose name I don't remember. We did not allow them on our property. Neighbors told us about the 4 as they were on their property Thursday. One co. had a huge bulldozer looking machine with what looked like a small water well mounted on front. They were drilling into ground, placing wires, etc.
Les wrote me back said that 4 different companies did sound odd but there is no way to tell for sure if it means anything. I'll guess we'll just have to wait and see.
the strange thing is that they were working the area simultaneously. I will get all 4 names from my neighbor
KCM, T14N-R14W is covered under the CGGVeritas Tri-Parish multi-client 3D survey.
Cool...great map/info. Thanks again, Les.
Is that why all 4 companies are working this whole area? Also can you explain the bulldozer looking machines with what looked like small water well rigs mounted on front? We have never seen those out here before.
I have not seen the rigs you speak of, but they are most likely what is used to drill the 60 ft. deep hole for the 5.5 lbs Pentolite charge. What section did you see the rigs?

I would think that the 4 companies are subcontractors of CGGVeritas, but this is a guess. I know when Cajun did seismic last summer, they used 2 or 3 subcontractors to do the land work.
These "contraptions" were working on sections 6, 7, 8, 17, 18. The 2 different company trucks I saw had Veritas on one and Global on the other. The reason I am thinking it is 4 different seismic companies is that our neighbors have been paid by 4 different companies for the right for those companies to do testing on their land

Attached is a map and info on Global seismic action in the area.
Thanks for the map. It looks like your map shows just the top of 14n 14w being done and the map Les posted on page 3 of this post shows all of 14n 14w being done. It's strange that the maps are so oddly shaped and different. The BO is for sure south of 14n 14w if not just in it. So, they must be looking for other things than just the BO which is what I had thought earlier. They're probably just doing standard seismic protocol. I'm sure the same thing happened in the BA.
Parkdota, the odd shapes are likely a result of surface obstructions (ie cities) and which operators are footing the bill of these multi-client surveys.



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