Does anyone have any information on Sec 18-14n-14w, any drilling in our furture?

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Thanks, we see drilling all around us but nothing in our section as of yet. Encana holds the majority of the leases in our section, but we still remain unleased. Could you explain what HBP is?
How many mineral acres do you have?
We have 5 acres in Gloster, were approached by Encana over the summer with 15,000 an acre. We decided to hold off, unsure of all this leasing business. Most of our neighbors have leased. Just not sure which way to go
Bob, I believe Encana filed to be operator in Sec. 18 of 14/14 in Oct. Encana has a rig in Sec. 8 of 14/14 that is being fraced now
Jay, can units cross section lines? For example, if a gas co. has 4 contiguous sections, can they form a unit using 2 sections? I am asking this as I talked with a person today who is in upper management with one of the companies. He said these "well cities" that will be built with 4-8 wells will cross section lines with their units. I thought units had to follow section lines
Jay, it seems that Encana has just about everything leased in 14/14 Desoto. Chesapeake & Petrohawk have a few ac. but Encana has filed to be the operator in most of the sections in 14/14 and 15/14. if you start looking at all the leases that Encana has in Desoto they are in this area. It will be interesting to see what the Burford Land Co. well in Sec.8 of 14/14 produces
$75,000 is lots of money.



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