Trying to get our neighbors organized! not sure who many of us are left in that area. Recv'd a card from Petrohawk, and a call from "Jeremy Evans" 2weeks ago. Having a backyard meeting on the 22nd

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You have to add your Township and Range so that people will know where you are.
Sorry, little new to this. Township is 16 N and Range 13W
Is there a group established in the North Highland -Cherokee Park area?
Not that I am aware of, we actually got started by just talking to our neighbors.
There is a group in North Highlands. They are included with the Old Mooringsport Road residents.
We are in 22, 23 & 27. We have been contacted by Camterra, J-W Operating, and Cohort. I am curious who you spoke with at Petrohawk as I would like to speak with them????

The correspondence from Petrohawk was in the mail, like a post card, no contact really other than that. The Jeremy Evans that called was supposed to be from Camterra, but when I returned the call it was to a lawyers office. We recv'd the letter from J-W Operating too. Called that office as well and never recv'd a return call.
what was the offer?
The only offer so far was for $4500 for the "lot" not for the acre. Which we have 2. We have family that backs up to our property & they were offered $5000 for the "lot" 3 hours later on the same day. But that was two weeks ago. Nothing since.
Interesting. I wasn't aware that Petrohawk was interested in that area. I guess we shall see!

What neighborhood are you in?
The neighborhood is off of norris ferry road past the southern loop



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