Are there any organized groups for these areas? We have property in both sections & are unleased. We will not take the $3000 an. ac. offers that Chesapeake is offering.

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kittycatmama. I don't know of any groups but that does not mean they do not exist. The fact that you don't know makes me believe that if they do exist they have done a poor job of communicating with the neighborhood mineral owners. I dislike groups only because they are so often poorly led and structured. O&G companies are not impressed nor motivated to make their best deal by size of groups if they do not represent similar mineral estates located in the same section or sections. The old days of grab whatever you can regardless of location are gone. Long gone. If a company is interested in developing a section or several contiguous sections and the group represents mineral owners in those specific sections, it's a good match and probably a straight forward negotiating process. The problem comes when a group says," well we also have other members who don't have minerals in those sections but also want to lease. We won't lease without you including them." Companies don't have development funds to spend on sections they have no intent to develop. And if they were to lease the others, they could very well be stuck with that acreage for some time to come. It is always a challenge to make laymen understand what it is the operators want. Offering them what they want is a good way to receive a good lease offer. Trying to force them to take something they don't want is a sure fire way to have negotiations fall through or to receive an offer that is less than their best. You are better of on your own than associating with a group that is a poor fit.
Skip, I know that groups can get too big and demand too much and in turn cost themselves a lease ( I have friends that experienced this dilema in fall of 2008); however, in dealing with Twin Cities to lease invididual lots in Southern Hills, having only a few lots worked to my disadvantage. Twin Cities informed me that they would only pay $3000 an ac. because they had leased most of the people in the area for that and were not worried if I leased or not. That attitude is what makes people band together in groups.
I am waiting to see production rates in Sections 17,18,7,8 of 16/14 Caddo as I think their production rates will affect the amt. mineral leases will go far in this area. If those wells come in crummy, then I will probably wish I had taken that $3000 an ac.
By the way, how far north do you personally think the Bossier Shale goes? I know Petrohawk and Chesapeake have conflicting graphy, BUT with all the seismic testing going on, they have to have a handle on about where it ends. Value your opinion. Kitty
Kitty. I doubt the Bossier comes anywhere close to Southern Hills. The fact that most of your neighbors have leased, if true, is not a problem. In fact it is a good thing. The best bonus amounts paid in the Barnett Shale for urban residential lots went to groups with names like, "The Southern Hills Holdouts". Don't let Twin Cities or anyone else make you think that you need large numbers of lots. All you need is whoever you can find that is unleased in your section or adjoining sections. If you know a few, split the cost of a mail out. Go to a direct mail company and get them to send your form letter to your targeted neighborhoods by zip code. That's if you care to organize. If not just wait until the well is drilled and then call up Twin Cities and suggest that you will consider an offer. Until then simply ignore them unless they make you an offer you like.
We lived in Southern Hills years ago. We built the house on the lot. So I guess it is a good chance we might own mineral rights there. Wonder the best method of finding out, or how to research this? We live out of town, in Dallas now. Lived in Southern Hills in 1972 through 1982.
Francey - You would need to know whether you reserved your minerals and whether the section and/or unit has been held by production. If you can give a section, township, range, we might be able to get you started. Also, as a start, you'll need to find your paperwork fromt the sale of the house to see if minerals were reserved.

good luck - 80)
ok thank you. will check for papers. we lived at 2022 Beth Lane in Southern Hills.
I live here in Southern Hills right behind Mount Zion Rd. and a rig just went up....Please tell me someone knows something about this rig. Our neighborhood had band together in 2008, nothing came of the bonuses and no more talk on leases. I was told that the drilling is for the Hyde Park area, which is behind me(they will have to a mile away from me to get to Hyde Park). Has anyone heard of what is going on this side of Rices Southern Hills (Kingston and Mt. Zion).
c johnson - You'll need to give the section, township & range so someone can start giving you some assistance.

As for your group, I'd suggest that you contact the person that you were originally contacting in '08 to see whether they can help you.

best - 80)
im sooooo green when it comes to this, where would I get this information.
cj- The section, township, range for your property is on the information you receive from the parish tax assessor. Hope this site helps you and that you won't be sooooo green much longer. lol

hope this helps 80) go to this website and type in your address. When your address pops up in blue with a number next to it, open that and it will have your section, township, and range.
I have been seeing surveying equipment and men in cheasepeake trucks with 4-wheelers on Kingston Road between Crabapple and Williamsonway. This is section 10, Township 16N, Range 14W. Just wondering if anyone knows if they are looking at the wooded 10 acres there on Kingston for a well site.



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