Hello everyone! Im a newbie! It is my understanding that Shelby County is on the outer edges of the Haynesville Shale. Can any one comment on recent drilling activity targeting the Haynesville shale. I am specifically after test results if they're available. Also curious about which companies are expanding into Shelby.

Thank you!

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What part of Shelby County are you asking about? I am a part of a unit that has had a well drilled, but it is not a part of the Haynesville Shale but of the James Lime Formation (C.C. Tutt Survey) if I remember correctly. However, it has been capped (I think that is the correct terminology). We have had a seismic group doing surveys in the area for the Haynesville Shale (again, I think that's what it is for) but have not heard anything from them as of this writing. From what I understand, it could be as late as the end of 2010 (before the entire area that this particular seismic group is a part of) before it is completely surveyed. As I have found out, no one is very good about coming forth with information on any aspect of activity.....It's like no one wants to divulge any information, or they don't have any information. We have been under a lease since 2007 and have not received any royalty checks even though we think that the well produced some gas for about 4 months.
Good luck in finding out any information. I know that I certainly would like to find out more information than I have so far.
Does anyone have current bonus amounts that are being offered for lease? I have an unsigned contract in hand for an amount 1/6th of what my next door neighbors got last August ($5000/acre). Gas prices at the pump are 1/2 what they were last year. Shouldn't there be more of a correlation between the 2? Are others holding out for more than $500 an acre?

Anyone else willing to share what they know?
Oil might be 1/2 the price last year but natural gas which is the hydrocarbons that are produced from the Haynesville shale or the James Lime and the for the matter is at $3.70/MCF today which is more than 1/4 off it's peak at $13.61in June 2008. And the $3.70 is just NYMEX pricing which does not include a variety of other fees and price differentials off NYMEX. Natural gas is very tough right now
Thanks everyone for your input. I had read on an earlier post that Chesapeake was drilling the first horizonal well to the Haynesville Shale in Shelby County. I was wondering if anyone had an update on that well, specifically test rates. I am also interested in any other test rates of Haynesville shale wells in surrounding counties.

Also, if you could spit out 10 or so companies that are active or expanding in Shelby county, I would really appreciate it. I have a list I have come up with from the internet, but some local knowledge would be great.

Again, thank you for your input. ;)
Cool handle, Desperately Seeking. Here are a few companies.

Common Resources (private; I think has JV with Southwestern)
XTO (acquired Hunt Petroleum)
Cabot Oil and Gas (SW portion of county)
Ellora Energy (Private/Large Player in SE portion of County)
St. Mary's
Newfield Exploration/Rosetta
Petrohawk (northern part of County; I think has some JV's with EOG)
Family Tree (private/Denver)
Samson (Private; not much recent activity)
Burk Royalty (Wichita Falls/Private)
Thank you Carter. Big help. HUGE!
What impact, if any, does the recent information below from the Tyler paper have on blob maps excluding NW Shelby County? This well is in the far NW part of the county near the Rusk County line.

NFR Energy completed the Mitchell Trust GU Well No. 1A to 11,550 feet seven miles northwest of Timpson in the North Carthage Field. Gauged on a 20/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 2.123 million cubic feet of gas in the Bossier Shale formation.
You know I can't see how that NFR well can be seen as anything but positive for folks around the Timpson area. A few months ago, Cabot Oil and Gas, who has stuff up just north of there around Minden, had some problems with a couple of deep tests up that way. I listened to the conference call, and I didn't really know what to make of it. Also with all of that fiasco with the Lane unit around Tenaha coming in with poor results. Its good to get some positive news up that way. I don't know what it means, overall, but things should look up if they get a couple more of those up there.

I may be mistaken, but I think Exco's map includes that part of the county. Geology until proven, is merely an idea.
If I remember correctly, the Goodrich map also includes NW Shelby County. I view the NFR well as a significant positive development which should cause others to revise their maps.
Geology until proven, is merely an idea.

That's great, Carter.
Carter, What do you mean by the fiasco with the Lane Unit? Was the well a dud or not? Also, I noticed on the RRC drilling app query as of Wed of this week that Petrohawk will now be drilling a well that was previously filed under Noble Energy's name May 22nd. It is located a couple of miles west of Center. What's up with that? Anyone know if Petrohawk bought their leases or what? Thanks.

no they are drilling in a deeper zone


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