Hello, Can anyone tell me how far South, if at all does the TMS, AC or other formations ??... are S of I-12 in Livingston Parish?????   From my SW location to the E and NE.. there has sure been a lot of Seismic activity.... We have felt it at my house which is about 2 miles W  for the last 3 weeks!!!! My sister tells me it is Green Bear... Tidelands GS (??) and they've been near their property for 3 weeks... r longer!!!! Thanks....

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I have heard there is a rig north of Livingston (town) on hwy 63. Not sure if that is a vertical or horizontal drill. I have property very close to that area. There was a lot of seismic activity there about 2 years ago, and I mean a lot. If you hear any more about that well, or any others, please post it here. There just doesn't seem to be a lot of information regarding Livingston Parish.


Thanks Stacy!!  I remember back in '95/96 there was a lot of Seismic acivity in behind my house, also, on the back of my street which is behind my moms property on S Satsuma Road!!! Helipcopters where in here all the time!!!! one day they came and just hovered over.. just above/near my moms house....... In regards to the well in question.. I think it  is in  Sec 19-TS5, Range 5.........Thanks, Colyell57


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